Actualizaciones de seguridad de Windows Xp

15/02/2007 - 11:21 por Pepe | Informe spam
Podriais decirme porqué no se descargan las actualizaciones de
seguridad que en actualizaciones automaticas habian sido detectadas y
solicitadas sus descargas.
Solo aparece el signo de descarga, quedando siempre en cero y al cabo
de algun tiempo desaparece sin haber descargado nada. Esto me ocurre
de igual manera en tres ordenadores diferentes, dos con XP Pro y uno
con XP Home.

Saludos y gracias de antemano al grupo,

Preguntas similare

Leer las respuestas

#1 Jose Gallardo
15/02/2007 - 13:47 | Informe spam
Localiza en tu disco duro un archivo llamado "windowsupdate.log", edítalo, y postea aquí el contenido de las líneas correspondientes a la fecha del error.

Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User

"Pepe" wrote in message news:
Podriais decirme porqué no se descargan las actualizaciones de
seguridad que en actualizaciones automaticas habian sido detectadas y
solicitadas sus descargas.
Solo aparece el signo de descarga, quedando siempre en cero y al cabo
de algun tiempo desaparece sin haber descargado nada. Esto me ocurre
de igual manera en tres ordenadores diferentes, dos con XP Pro y uno
con XP Home.

Saludos y gracias de antemano al grupo,
Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
#2 Pepe
15/02/2007 - 15:11 | Informe spam
On 15 feb, 13:47, "Jose Gallardo"
Localiza en tu disco duro un archivo llamado "windowsupdate.log", edítalo, y postea aquí el contenido de las líneas correspondientes a la fecha del error.

Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User

"Pepe" wrote in messagenews:

Podriais decirme porqué no se descargan las actualizaciones de
seguridad que en actualizaciones automaticas habian sido detectadas y
solicitadas sus descargas.
Solo aparece el signo de descarga, quedando siempre en cero y al cabo
de algun tiempo desaparece sin haber descargado nada. Esto me ocurre
de igual manera en tres ordenadores diferentes, dos con XP Pro y uno
con XP Home.

Saludos y gracias de antemano al grupo,

Aqui te envio el final del archivo WindoowsUpdate.log
2007-02-15 14:54:19 1024 88 Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) 07-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:19 1024 88 Service *************
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Service ** START ** Service: Service
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Service *********
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * WU client version
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * SusClientId '7c1d1fe8-1c00-4bac-8294-cbccceaed4ef'
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Network state: Disconnected
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * Windows Update access disabled:
2007-02-15 14:55:09 1024 88 Agent * Found 18 persisted download
calls to restore
2007-02-15 14:55:09 1024 88 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 18
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) 07-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c DtaStor Update service properties:
service registered with AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2007-02-15 14:55:14 1024 88 Agent * Succeeded to load 18 persisted
download calls
2007-02-15 14:55:15 1024 88 AU ########### AU: Initializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2007-02-15 14:55:15 1024 88 AU # Approval type: Pre-download notify
(User preference)
2007-02-15 14:55:16 1024 88 AU # Reconnecting download for 18
2007-02-15 14:55:16 1024 88 AU # Reconnected 18 pending download
2007-02-15 14:55:25 1024 88 AU AU setting pending client directive to
'Download Progress'
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Downloading
regulation Odf ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr * ServiceId = {7971F918-
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr * URL = http://
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1024 88 AU AU found 1 sessions to launch client
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1024 88 AU Launched new AU client for directive
'Download Progress', session id = 0x0
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) 07-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 AUClnt Launched Client UI process
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client got new directive 'Download Progress', serviceId = {7971F918-
A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, return = 0x00000000
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client creating UI plugin,
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1024 6a0 AU AU setting client response for
sessionId 0x0 to 'Pending'
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Odf parameters...
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Refresh interval: 1
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate high: 10000
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate normal: 2728
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate low: 0
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {E00698A6-2165-4711-B68E-0537E7C1A989}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {E5FBC0DD-9541-4D71-921C-BD855F69AD15}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {2A3DB32F-835E-4E3D-9B21-2F6902C24AE5}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {6C2CFA56-D175-4615-B196-185837C3B007}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {7F522154-0B4D-4B06-8511-7A071E121612}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {2572875C-4D20-46B3-B595-59CDB3DD9AA9}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {0F30DE54-E4F8-47C3-8F28-6664BE679C41}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {8D810340-9BD8-42FE-BF49-DD6B165D7B2E}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {45663CFC-7D53-48F0-B082-E85483C9DA01}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {8AF3436A-8B0E-46C8-9346-550112EB7789}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {3899936A-AD3D-43BA-B225-7127A6F70769}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {F6A2A018-4EA3-4F27-9399-642F85CA37A5}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {C9A2E8F0-78FE-43AF-A600-12089DE939B8}.103]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {0A1FB257-38B3-47CB-8390-6AB2CBFF5327}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {1314478F-5890-4157-8AFB-8724A51DBB84}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {CB79E798-3889-498D-A750-A18D451BDC34}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {23C5F566-94D2-4F7C-9813-0506538F6E98}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {4A0B9943-F0BF-4CC9-AB9D-DABDE40849BD}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:43 1024 558 AU AU checked download status and it
changed: Downloading is paused
2007-02-15 14:55:43 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client got new directive 'Shutdown', serviceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, return
= 0x00000000
Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
#3 Jose Gallardo
15/02/2007 - 15:15 | Informe spam
¿Te pasa a cualquier hora que acudas a Windows Update? ¿Ahora, si acudes manualmente se descargan?

Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User

"Pepe" wrote in message news:
On 15 feb, 13:47, "Jose Gallardo"
Localiza en tu disco duro un archivo llamado "windowsupdate.log", edítalo, y postea aquí el contenido de las líneas correspondientes a la fecha del error.

Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User

"Pepe" wrote in messagenews:

Podriais decirme porqué no se descargan las actualizaciones de
seguridad que en actualizaciones automaticas habian sido detectadas y
solicitadas sus descargas.
Solo aparece el signo de descarga, quedando siempre en cero y al cabo
de algun tiempo desaparece sin haber descargado nada. Esto me ocurre
de igual manera en tres ordenadores diferentes, dos con XP Pro y uno
con XP Home.

Saludos y gracias de antemano al grupo,

Aqui te envio el final del archivo WindoowsUpdate.log
2007-02-15 14:54:19 1024 88 Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) 07-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:19 1024 88 Service *************
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Service ** START ** Service: Service
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Service *********
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * WU client version
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * SusClientId '7c1d1fe8-1c00-4bac-8294-cbccceaed4ef'
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Network state: Disconnected
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * Windows Update access disabled:
2007-02-15 14:55:09 1024 88 Agent * Found 18 persisted download
calls to restore
2007-02-15 14:55:09 1024 88 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 18
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) 07-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c DtaStor Update service properties:
service registered with AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2007-02-15 14:55:14 1024 88 Agent * Succeeded to load 18 persisted
download calls
2007-02-15 14:55:15 1024 88 AU ########### AU: Initializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2007-02-15 14:55:15 1024 88 AU # Approval type: Pre-download notify
(User preference)
2007-02-15 14:55:16 1024 88 AU # Reconnecting download for 18
2007-02-15 14:55:16 1024 88 AU # Reconnected 18 pending download
2007-02-15 14:55:25 1024 88 AU AU setting pending client directive to
'Download Progress'
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Downloading
regulation Odf ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr * ServiceId = {7971F918-
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr * URL = http://
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1024 88 AU AU found 1 sessions to launch client
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1024 88 AU Launched new AU client for directive
'Download Progress', session id = 0x0
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) 07-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 AUClnt Launched Client UI process
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client got new directive 'Download Progress', serviceId = {7971F918-
A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, return = 0x00000000
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client creating UI plugin,
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1024 6a0 AU AU setting client response for
sessionId 0x0 to 'Pending'
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Odf parameters...
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Refresh interval: 1
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate high: 10000
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate normal: 2728
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate low: 0
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {E00698A6-2165-4711-B68E-0537E7C1A989}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {E5FBC0DD-9541-4D71-921C-BD855F69AD15}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {2A3DB32F-835E-4E3D-9B21-2F6902C24AE5}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {6C2CFA56-D175-4615-B196-185837C3B007}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {7F522154-0B4D-4B06-8511-7A071E121612}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {2572875C-4D20-46B3-B595-59CDB3DD9AA9}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {0F30DE54-E4F8-47C3-8F28-6664BE679C41}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {8D810340-9BD8-42FE-BF49-DD6B165D7B2E}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {45663CFC-7D53-48F0-B082-E85483C9DA01}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {8AF3436A-8B0E-46C8-9346-550112EB7789}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {3899936A-AD3D-43BA-B225-7127A6F70769}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {F6A2A018-4EA3-4F27-9399-642F85CA37A5}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {C9A2E8F0-78FE-43AF-A600-12089DE939B8}.103]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {0A1FB257-38B3-47CB-8390-6AB2CBFF5327}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {1314478F-5890-4157-8AFB-8724A51DBB84}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {CB79E798-3889-498D-A750-A18D451BDC34}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {23C5F566-94D2-4F7C-9813-0506538F6E98}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {4A0B9943-F0BF-4CC9-AB9D-DABDE40849BD}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:43 1024 558 AU AU checked download status and it
changed: Downloading is paused
2007-02-15 14:55:43 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client got new directive 'Shutdown', serviceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, return
= 0x00000000
Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
#4 Pepe
15/02/2007 - 18:54 | Informe spam
On 15 feb, 15:15, "Jose Gallardo"
¿Te pasa a cualquier hora que acudas a Windows Update? ¿Ahora, si acudes manualmente se descargan?

Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User

"Pepe" wrote in messagenews:

On 15 feb, 13:47, "Jose Gallardo"

> Localiza en tu disco duro un archivo llamado "windowsupdate.log", edítalo, y postea aquí el contenido de las líneas correspondientes a la fecha del error.

> Microsoft MVP
> Windows - Shell/User

> "Pepe" wrote in messagenews:

> Podriais decirme porqué no se descargan las actualizaciones de
> seguridad que en actualizaciones automaticas habian sido detectadas y
> solicitadas sus descargas.
> Solo aparece el signo de descarga, quedando siempre en cero y al cabo
> de algun tiempo desaparece sin haber descargado nada. Esto me ocurre
> de igual manera en tres ordenadores diferentes, dos con XP Pro y uno
> con XP Home.

> Saludos y gracias de antemano al grupo,

Aqui te envio el final del archivo WindoowsUpdate.log
2007-02-15 14:54:19 1024 88 Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) => 2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:19 1024 88 Service *************
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Service ** START ** Service: Service
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Service *********
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * WU client version
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * SusClientId > '7c1d1fe8-1c00-4bac-8294-cbccceaed4ef'
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2007-02-15 14:54:20 1024 88 Agent * Network state: Disconnected
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2007-02-15 14:55:05 1024 88 Agent * Windows Update access disabled:
2007-02-15 14:55:09 1024 88 Agent * Found 18 persisted download
calls to restore
2007-02-15 14:55:09 1024 88 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 18
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) => 2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:14 2784 b0c DtaStor Update service properties:
service registered with AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2007-02-15 14:55:14 1024 88 Agent * Succeeded to load 18 persisted
download calls
2007-02-15 14:55:15 1024 88 AU ########### AU: Initializing
Automatic Updates ###########
2007-02-15 14:55:15 1024 88 AU # Approval type: Pre-download notify
(User preference)
2007-02-15 14:55:16 1024 88 AU # Reconnecting download for 18
2007-02-15 14:55:16 1024 88 AU # Reconnected 18 pending download
2007-02-15 14:55:25 1024 88 AU AU setting pending client directive to
'Download Progress'
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Downloading
regulation Odf ***********
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr * ServiceId = {7971F918-
2007-02-15 14:55:26 1024 558 DnldMgr * URL = http://
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1024 88 AU AU found 1 sessions to launch client
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1024 88 AU Launched new AU client for directive
'Download Progress', session id = 0x0
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 Misc == Logging initialized
(build:, tz: +0100) => 2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-02-15 14:55:39 1820 7a8 AUClnt Launched Client UI process
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client got new directive > 'Download Progress', serviceId = {7971F918-
A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, return = 0x00000000
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client creating UI plugin,
2007-02-15 14:55:40 1024 6a0 AU AU setting client response for
sessionId 0x0 to 'Pending'
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Odf parameters...
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Refresh interval: 1
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate high: 10000
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate normal: 2728
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Accept rate low: 0
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {E00698A6-2165-4711-B68E-0537E7C1A989}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {E5FBC0DD-9541-4D71-921C-BD855F69AD15}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {2A3DB32F-835E-4E3D-9B21-2F6902C24AE5}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {6C2CFA56-D175-4615-B196-185837C3B007}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {7F522154-0B4D-4B06-8511-7A071E121612}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {2572875C-4D20-46B3-B595-59CDB3DD9AA9}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {0F30DE54-E4F8-47C3-8F28-6664BE679C41}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {8D810340-9BD8-42FE-BF49-DD6B165D7B2E}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {45663CFC-7D53-48F0-B082-E85483C9DA01}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {8AF3436A-8B0E-46C8-9346-550112EB7789}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {3899936A-AD3D-43BA-B225-7127A6F70769}.104]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {F6A2A018-4EA3-4F27-9399-642F85CA37A5}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {C9A2E8F0-78FE-43AF-A600-12089DE939B8}.103]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {0A1FB257-38B3-47CB-8390-6AB2CBFF5327}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {1314478F-5890-4157-8AFB-8724A51DBB84}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {CB79E798-3889-498D-A750-A18D451BDC34}.101]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {23C5F566-94D2-4F7C-9813-0506538F6E98}.102]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New
download job [UpdateId = {4A0B9943-F0BF-4CC9-AB9D-DABDE40849BD}.100]
2007-02-15 14:55:41 1024 558 DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to
download due to regulation.
2007-02-15 14:55:43 1024 558 AU AU checked download status and it
changed: Downloading is paused
2007-02-15 14:55:43 1820 7a8 AUClnt AU client got new directive > 'Shutdown', serviceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, return
= 0x00000000- Ocultar texto de la cita -

- Mostrar texto de la cita -

Desde Windows Update he podido bajar todas las actualizaciones sin
problemas, pero despues de instalarlas el sistema ha intentado
nuevamente instalarlas pero al final ha quedado todo correcto.

Muchas gracias
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