Windows XP 64-bit, a virtual minefield?

01/05/2005 - 00:50 por Ikki Mitsui | Informe spam
Windows XP 64-bit, a virtual minefield?

Granted, you¡¦ll have to give it to Microsoft for often being overly
optimistic about their accomplishments. As honestly what other company
would be pitching a product that¡¦s been delayed by almost two years
and features nothing new but for 64-bit support like it is a quantum
leap from the 32-bit version of Windows XP? In truth the 64-bit
version of Windows XP is far from that, at best it is a Windows kernel
with 64-bit extensions that works on a handful of systems with a very
specific hardware configuration, or to be specific on hardware that
has working 64-bit drivers.

I say this with caution as the fine print in the press release states
that only a ¡¥limited number¡¦ of peripherals is natively supported by
the operating system, due to lack of a driver. For all of your other
64-bit driver needs you¡¦ll have to look towards the manufacturer of
your motherboard, graphics or sound card, printer, scanner, etc. to
write a 64-bit driver.

Full story: Hardware Analysis


AMD Athlon XP 3000+
Mainboard Asus A7V333 R
512 MB RAM DDR 400 Kingston
Asus G-Force 6600 128 MB AGP
Windows XP PRO SP2 Limpio

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#1 Ramón Sola [MVP Windows - Shell/User]
01/05/2005 - 21:33 | Informe spam
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Ramón Sola / / MVP Windows - Shell/User
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Windows XP 64-bit, a virtual minefield?


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