Program Crash - ThumbsPlus6.0

26/07/2003 - 23:05 por Mariana | Informe spam
Today, I buy ThumbPlus 6,0, complete professional version.
I uninstall & erased folder of the previous version (very
old) and I installed the new program. When opening, the
program warns to me: "ThumbsPlus 6,0 has detected
a problem and it must be closed". If I not send the alert
message, the program stay open until I use any menu ¡Then
it is closed!. If I send the alerta message, it is closed.
I have a Dell Dimension PIV, 512 RAM, 80GB hard disk.
Windows XP, version 5.1 (Build 2600.spsp2.030422-1633:
Service Pack 1)

The error message is:
AppName: thumbs.exe
ModName: unknown
Offset: 091f3840

(I am using a automatic translator Spanish - English)

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#1 Alejandro Matos
26/07/2003 - 23:19 | Informe spam
Lo del traductor me he (nos hemos...?) dado cuenta...

Quizá si te contactas con los del posible que ellos te den
mejor ayuda y soporte tecnico que nosotros :-\
Alejandro Matos
Un hermano peruano
Trabaja como si no necesitaras el dinero
Ama como si nunca hubieras sido herido
Baila como si nadie te estuviera viendo

"Mariana" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Today, I buy ThumbPlus 6,0, complete professional version.
I uninstall & erased folder of the previous version (very
old) and I installed the new program. When opening, the
program warns to me: "ThumbsPlus 6,0 has detected
a problem and it must be closed". If I not send the alert
message, the program stay open until I use any menu ¡Then
it is closed!. If I send the alerta message, it is closed.
I have a Dell Dimension PIV, 512 RAM, 80GB hard disk.
Windows XP, version 5.1 (Build 2600.spsp2.030422-1633:
Service Pack 1)

The error message is:
AppName: thumbs.exe
ModName: unknown
Offset: 091f3840

(I am using a automatic translator Spanish - English)
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#2 Mariana
26/07/2003 - 23:29 | Informe spam
Sí, disculpas. Y gracias por tu respuesta.

Lo primero que intenté fue contactar a mi proveedor. Por
email me dicen que me responden en 2 o 3 días; y en el
grupo de noticias me respondieron que el problema debe ser
de Windows XP, cito: "The alert message you mention is
generated by Win XP, and if you send it, it will try to go
to Microsoft so they can theoretically, determine the
cause. If you send it, the offending application is
closed. I have been testing and running XP since the early
betas, I have also been testing T+ V6 since its early
betas. From my experience, I would suspect a problem with
XP rather than T+."

También me dicen mande el archivo except.log o
_tpexcept_.log, pero no está en el directorio que me


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#3 Mariana
27/07/2003 - 00:05 | Informe spam
Ok, lo "buscaré".
Respuesta Responder a este mensaje
27/07/2003 - 00:50 | Informe spam
Dado que el problema es especifico de ese programa, aqui tienes sus grupos de noticias:

Saludos desde Cancun, Mexico

Si buscas una actualizacion de BIOS deberias visitar:
Si no sabes que placa madre tienes, sigue este link: ejecuta el Bios Agent, salvas los resultados en el archivo bios.txt y me lo envias a esta direccion:

"Mariana" wrote in message news:01ce01c353b9$ab187db0$
Today, I buy ThumbPlus 6,0, complete professional version.
I uninstall & erased folder of the previous version (very
old) and I installed the new program. When opening, the
program warns to me: "ThumbsPlus 6,0 has detected
a problem and it must be closed". If I not send the alert
message, the program stay open until I use any menu ¡Then
it is closed!. If I send the alerta message, it is closed.
I have a Dell Dimension PIV, 512 RAM, 80GB hard disk.
Windows XP, version 5.1 (Build 2600.spsp2.030422-1633:
Service Pack 1)

The error message is:
AppName: thumbs.exe
ModName: unknown
Offset: 091f3840

(I am using a automatic translator Spanish - English)
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