problema cambiando de modem a DSL en SBS

31/07/2004 - 03:02 por Diego Muñoz | Informe spam
Hola, tengo el siguiente problema:
El servidor venía funcionando sin problemas configurado
con conexión a internet por modem, pero acabamos de
instalar un router DSL Dlink DSL-500 y al reconfigurar el
servidor con el asistente de conexión a Internet, el
servidor de Exchange dejó de bajar los correos pop3, el
messenger interno no funciona y las actualizaciones de los
antivirus que se bajan por internet dejaron de hacerse.

Revisé la configuración del conector pop3 en exchange y
estaba bien, pero al correr otra vez el asistente de
conexión a Internet al terminar sale un 'error de usuario'
cuando trata de configurar el exchange. El error aparece
en un archivo icwlog.txt y tiene lo siguiente:

30/07/2004 2:49 p.m.
calling CEmailCommit::Commit (0x811c170).
calling ::RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Call to RegCreateKeyEx () returned ok.
The out param of RegCreateKeyEx() is 0x260.
calling _GetRegInt4Value (0x260, ,
The out param of _GetRegInt4Value() is 1.
calling _GetRegInt4Value (0x260, , Last_MailOption_POP3).
The out param of _GetRegInt4Value() is 0.
calling RegCloseKey (0x260).
Ignoring return value from call to RegCloseKey().
calling SavePOP3RevertData (0x8131328).
calling new (POP3RevertData).
Call to new () returned ok.
calling CoCreateInstance (IPOP3Config).
Call to CoCreateInstance () returned ok.
calling spPC->get_Schedule (0x8131b18).
Call to spPC->get_Schedule () returned ok.
calling GetPOPMailboxes (0x8131b10).
Call to GetPOPMailboxes () returned ok.
calling _IsServiceStartType (MSPOP3Connector, 2).
The out param of _IsServiceStartType() is 1.
Call to SavePOP3RevertData () returned ok.
calling DeleteRevertConnector ().
calling DeleteConnector (Revert).
calling GetDomainAndControllerNames ().
Call to GetDomainAndControllerNames () returned ok.
calling GetOrganizationName (\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local,
Call to GetOrganizationName () returned ok.
calling DeleteConnector (CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA, Revert).
calling GetFirstAdministrativeGroup
(\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA).
Call to GetFirstAdministrativeGroup () returned ok.
llamando GetFirstRoutingGroup
(\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA,
primer grupo administrativo).
Call to GetFirstRoutingGroup () returned ok.
calling ADsGetObject
grupo de enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
Call to ADsGetObject () returned ok.
calling spADsContainer->get__NewEnum (0x6fb24).
Call to spADsContainer->get__NewEnum () returned ok.
calling spUnk->QueryInterface (IEnumVARIANT, 0x6fb48).
Call to spUnk->QueryInterface () returned ok.
Call to DeleteConnector () returned ok.
Call to DeleteConnector () returned ok.
Call to DeleteRevertConnector () returned ok.
calling CopyRevertConnector (0).
calling GetBOConnector (0x6fb90).
Call to GetBOConnector () returned ok.
calling spADs->get_ADsPath (0x6fb94).
Call to spADs->get_ADsPath () returned ok.
calling spADs->get_Parent (0x6fb98).
Call to spADs->get_Parent () returned ok.
calling ADsGetObject
grupo de enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
IADsContainer, 0x6fb88).
Call to ADsGetObject () returned ok.
calling spADsContainer->MoveHere
(LDAP://dellserver.CAROLINA.local/CN=Conector SMTP de
SmallBusiness,CN=Connections,CN=primer grupo de
enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
cn=Revert, 0x6fb84).
Call to spADsContainer->MoveHere () returned ok.
calling ::SysFreeString
grupo de enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
Ignoring return value from call to ::SysFreeString().
calling ::SysFreeString
(LDAP://dellserver.CAROLINA.local/CN=Conector SMTP de
SmallBusiness,CN=Connections,CN=primer grupo de
enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
Ignoring return value from call to ::SysFreeString().
Call to CopyRevertConnector () returned ok.
calling GetDomainAndControllerNames ().
Call to GetDomainAndControllerNames () returned ok.
calling GetOrganizationName (\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local,
Call to GetOrganizationName () returned ok.
calling GetFirstAdministrativeGroup
(\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA).
Call to GetFirstAdministrativeGroup () returned ok.
llamando GetFirstRoutingGroup
(\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA,
primer grupo administrativo).
Call to GetFirstRoutingGroup () returned ok.
calling pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface
(IPropertyPagePropertyBag, 0x6fbe4).
Call to pdispPPPBag->QueryInterface () returned ok.
calling ReadInt4 (0x2868e0, DB5E5E45-3598-4F1D-8FF7-
Call to ReadInt4 () returned ok.
The out param of ReadInt4() is 1.
calling EnableSMTPConnector (0x2868e0,
\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA).
calling DoRecipientPolicy (0x2868e0).
calling ReadString (0x2868e0, 01637C90-B142-41C4-8520-
Call to ReadString () returned ok.
The out param of ReadString() is
calling FinalValidateHostName (
Call to FinalValidateHostName () returned ok.
calling GetDefaultPolicy (0x6fa70).
Call to GetDefaultPolicy () returned ok.
calling ResetRUS ().
calling spADs->SetInfo() ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
Ignoring return value from call to spADs->SetInfo().
calling spADs->SetInfo() ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
Ignoring return value from call to spADs->SetInfo().
Call to ResetRUS () returned ok.
calling SetAllRecipientPolicies (
calling SetAllRecipientPolicies pIEnumVARIANT->Next (0x0).
calling SetDefaultSMTPRecipient (0x8979f9c,
calling GetDefaultRecipientArray (0x8979f9c, 0x6f9a8).
Call to GetDefaultRecipientArray () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayGetLBound (0xb9390, 1, 0x6f9a0).
The out param of SafeArrayGetLBound() is 0.
calling SafeArrayGetUBound (0xb9390, 1, 0x6f99c).
The out param of SafeArrayGetUBound() is 3.
calling SafeArrayGetElement (0xb9390, 0, 0x6f95c).
The out param of SafeArrayGetElement() is
calling UpdateRUS (
calling SetStringAttribute (0x8992bd4, gatewayProxy,
calling pADs->Put (gatewayProxy, {4A230B3D-E031-4662-9D81-
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetStringAttribute (0x8992bd4, gatewayProxy,
calling pADs->Put (gatewayProxy, {4A230B3D-E031-4662-9D81-
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
Call to UpdateRUS () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayPutElement (0xb9390, 0,
Call to SafeArrayPutElement () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayGetElement (0xb9390, 1, 0x6f95c).
The out param of SafeArrayGetElement() is
calling UpdateRUS (
Call to UpdateRUS () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayPutElement (0xb9390, 1,
Call to SafeArrayPutElement () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayGetElement (0xb9390, 2, 0x6f95c).
The out param of SafeArrayGetElement() is
calling UpdateRUS (smtp:@CAROLINA.local).
Call to UpdateRUS () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayPutElement (0xb9390, 2,
Call to SafeArrayPutElement () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayGetElement (0xb9390, 3, 0x6f95c).
The out param of SafeArrayGetElement() is
X400:c=us;a= ;pÊROLINA;o=Exchange;.
calling SafeArrayCopy (0xb9390).
Call to SafeArrayCopy () returned ok.
calling LogSet_gatewayProxy ().
Element: smtp:@CAROLINA.local.
Element: X400:c=us;a= ;pÊROLINA;o=Exchange;.
Call to LogSet_gatewayProxy () returned ok.
calling SetVariantAttribute (0x8979f9c, gatewayProxy).
calling pADs->Put (gatewayProxy).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetVariantAttribute () returned ok.
calling pADs->SetInfo ().
Call to pADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayDestroy (0xb9390).
Ignoring return value from call to SafeArrayDestroy().
Call to SetDefaultSMTPRecipient () returned ok.
calling SetAllRecipientPolicies pIEnumVARIANT->Next (0x1).
Call to SetAllRecipientPolicies () returned ok.
calling KickRUS ().
calling SetBoolAttribute (0xb4e74,
msExchDoFullReplication, -1).
calling pADs->Put (msExchDoFullReplication).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetBoolAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetBoolAttribute (0xb4e74, msExchReplicateNow, -1).
calling pADs->Put (msExchReplicateNow).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetBoolAttribute () returned ok.
calling spADs->SetInfo() ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
Ignoring return value from call to spADs->SetInfo().
calling SetBoolAttribute (0xb4e74,
msExchDoFullReplication, -1).
calling pADs->Put (msExchDoFullReplication).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetBoolAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetBoolAttribute (0xb4e74, msExchReplicateNow, -1).
calling pADs->Put (msExchReplicateNow).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetBoolAttribute () returned ok.
calling spADs->SetInfo() ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
Ignoring return value from call to spADs->SetInfo().
Call to KickRUS () returned ok.
llamando _SetRegStringValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BackOffice\Connectivity\POP3, Email
Domain Name,
Ignoring return value from call to _SetRegStringValue().
calling _RestartService (MSPOP3Connector).
Error 0x80070420 returned from call to _RestartService().
Call to DoRecipientPolicy () returned ok.
calling DoSmtpRelayIp ().
Call to DoSmtpRelayIp () returned ok.
calling DeleteBOConnector (\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local,
calling DeleteConnector (CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA,
Conector SMTP de SmallBusiness).
calling GetFirstAdministrativeGroup
(\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA).
Call to GetFirstAdministrativeGroup () returned ok.
llamando GetFirstRoutingGroup
(\\dellserver.CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA.local, CAROLINA,
primer grupo administrativo).
Call to GetFirstRoutingGroup () returned ok.
calling ADsGetObject
grupo de enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
Call to ADsGetObject () returned ok.
calling spADsContainer->get__NewEnum (0x6fa2c).
Call to spADsContainer->get__NewEnum () returned ok.
calling spUnk->QueryInterface (IEnumVARIANT, 0x6fa50).
Call to spUnk->QueryInterface () returned ok.
Call to DeleteConnector () returned ok.
Call to DeleteBOConnector () returned ok.
calling ADsGetObject
(LDAP://dellserver.CAROLINA.local/CN=Conector SMTP de
SmallBusiness,CN=Connections,CN=primer grupo de
enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
IADs, 0x6fb8c).
Error 0x80072030 returned from call to ADsGetObject().
calling ADsGetObject
grupo de enrutamiento,CN=Routing Groups,CN=primer grupo
IADsContainer, 0x6fb80).
Call to ADsGetObject () returned ok.
calling spADsContainer->Create
(msExchRoutingSMTPConnector, cn=Conector SMTP de
SmallBusiness, 0x6fb84).
Call to spADsContainer->Create () returned ok.
calling spDisp->QueryInterface (IADs, 0x6fb8c).
Call to spDisp->QueryInterface () returned ok.
calling SetStringAttribute (0xabf7c, homeMTA, CN=Microsoft
MTA,CN=dellserver,CN=Servers,CN=primer grupo
calling pADs->Put (homeMTA, CN=Microsoft
MTA,CN=dellserver,CN=Servers,CN=primer grupo
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetIntAttribute (0xabf7c, deliveryMechanism, 2).
calling pADs->Put (deliveryMechanism).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetIntAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetIntAttribute (0xabf7c, systemFlags, 1610612736).
calling pADs->Put (systemFlags).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetIntAttribute () returned ok.
calling spADs->SetInfo ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
calling SetStringAttribute (0xabf7c, msExchConnectorType,
calling pADs->Put (msExchConnectorType, SMTP).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetVariantAttribute (0xabf7c,
calling pADs->Put (msExchNoPFConnection).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetVariantAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetStringAttribute (0xabf7c, routingList,
calling pADs->Put (routingList, SMTP:*;1).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetStringAttribute (0xabf7c,
r grupo administrativo,CN=Administrative
calling pADs->Put (msExchSourceBridgeheadServersDN,
r grupo administrativo,CN=Administrative
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetIntAttribute (0xabf7c, versionNumber, 4417).
calling pADs->Put (versionNumber).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetIntAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetIntAttribute (0xabf7c, dLMemDefault, 1).
calling pADs->Put (dLMemDefault).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetIntAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetIntAttribute (0xabf7c,
msExchSmtpOutboundSecurityFlag, 0).
calling pADs->Put (msExchSmtpOutboundSecurityFlag).
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetIntAttribute () returned ok.
calling SetStringAttribute (0xabf7c,
msExchSmtpOutboundSecurityPassword, bogus).
calling pADs->Put (msExchSmtpOutboundSecurityPassword,
Call to pADs->Put () returned ok.
Call to SetStringAttribute () returned ok.
calling spADs->SetInfo ().
Call to spADs->SetInfo () returned ok.
calling _RestartService (RESvc, 1).
Call to _RestartService () returned ok.
calling _RestartService (SMTPSvc, 1).
Call to _RestartService () returned ok.
Call to EnableSMTPConnector () returned ok.
calling ReadInt4 (0x2868e0, DB5E5E46-3598-4F1D-8FF7-
Call to ReadInt4 () returned ok.
The out param of ReadInt4() is 1.
calling EnablePOP3 (0x2868e0).
calling CoCreateInstance (POP3Config, IPOP3Config,
Call to CoCreateInstance () returned ok.
calling spPC->get_Mailboxes (0x6fb84).
Call to spPC->get_Mailboxes () returned ok.
calling spUnk->QueryInterface (IMailboxes, 0x6fb80).
Call to spUnk->QueryInterface () returned ok.
calling spMB->RemoveAll ().
Call to spMB->RemoveAll () returned ok.
calling ReadSafeArray (0x2868e0, 4EEE31FB-9F62-4C34-A7E1-
9BEE2D1F75E2, 0x6fb88).
Call to ReadSafeArray () returned ok.
calling PutMailboxes (0xe021c0, 0xbc780).
calling SafeArrayGetUBound (0xbc780, 1, 0x6fb30).
Ignoring return value from call to SafeArrayGetUBound().
The out param of SafeArrayGetUBound() is 1.
calling pMB->Add (0xe02ac0).
Call to pMB->Add () returned ok.
calling pMB->Add (0xe02c90).
Call to pMB->Add () returned ok.
Call to PutMailboxes () returned ok.
calling SafeArrayDestroy (0xbc780).
Ignoring return value from call to SafeArrayDestroy().
calling spMB->Save ().
Call to spMB->Save () returned ok.
calling ConvertFrequencyToSchedule (0x2868e0, 0x6fb90).
calling ConvertFrequencyToSchedule ().
Call to ConvertFrequencyToSchedule () returned ok.
Call to ConvertFrequencyToSchedule () returned ok.
calling spPC->put_Schedule ().
Call to spPC->put_Schedule () returned ok.
calling spPC->Save ().
Call to spPC->Save () returned ok.
calling _RestartService (MSPOP3Connector).
Error 0x80070420 returned from call to _RestartService().
Error 0x80070420 returned from call to EnablePOP3().
calling _SetRegInt4Value (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Last_MailOption_Exchange, 1).
Ignoring return value from call to _SetRegInt4Value().
calling _SetRegInt4Value (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Last_MailOption_POP3, 1).
Ignoring return value from call to _SetRegInt4Value().
Error 0x80070420 returned from call to CEMailCommit::Commit

Miré en el visor de sucesos y en los servicios y ví que el
conector POP3 se intentaba cerrar y no podía, así que
reinicié el servidor y luego procedí a reinstalar el
conector pop3, pero me salió un error y se desinstaló
solo... ahora no se deja instalar y el buzón pop3 del isp
se está llenando muy rápido...

La verdad no sé qué hacer, intenté volver a poner el
sistema como antes y tampoco, ahora sí navega y envía
correo por el smtp pero no recibe por no estar el conector
pop3 y la mensajería instantanea de exchange tampoco
funciona - no autentica los usuarios cuando tratan de
iniciar sesión...

Por favor, necesito cualquier luz sobre esto!


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#1 Diego Muñoz
31/07/2004 - 15:36 | Informe spam
Ah, se me olvidaba, el servidor es un SBS2000 instalado
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