OT - SP2 y dando la nota en España. Como casi siempre :-(

17/12/2005 - 23:51 por jorge | Informe spam

More than a year after Microsoft Corp. shipped Windows XP Service Pack 2 as
a massive security-centric OS makeover, customer adoption internationally
continues to lag at disappointing levels, according to a senior Redmond
executive. Stuart McKee, Microsoft's U.S. National Technology Officer, said
the overall install rate of XP SP2 was just shy of 70 percent, but in
countries such as Spain and Korea, adoption of the service pack dips into
the 50 percent range.

In Japan, Germany and France, the install rate is in the range of 75
percent, McKee said. During a keynote at the Security Summit East here,
McKee said Microsoft has so far distributed more than 250 million copies of
XP SP2 to provide a hardened shell around the operating system but the low
upgrade levels remains a disappointment.

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#1 Nostromo
18/12/2005 - 00:21 | Informe spam
Normal, mira lo que dice un "técnico".
Con gente así y sabiendo lo pirata que es la gente normal que el
porcentaje de SP2 instalados sea bajo.
#2 Nostromo
18/12/2005 - 00:34 | Informe spam
Han retirado el relato pero como siempre se puede consultar en la caché
de google. ¿Cuando se darán cuenta que borrarlo no sirve de nada?!&hl=es
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