[INFO] Bill Gates, and his wife Melinda are the most generous charitable donors in America,

22/11/2003 - 11:28 por Alejandro Arenzana Magaña | Informe spam
Bill Gates, and his wife Melinda are the most generous charitable donors in America, Business Week magazine said today, as the couple gave away or pledged a staggering $23 billion - more than half of their net worth.

In the magazine's second annual ranking of the top 50 philanthropists in the US, the Gates' are worth a net $46 billion - the rough equivalent of Hungary's entire gross domestic product. With the couple's having donated 54% of their net worth, Business Week dubbed them "the reigning royalty of a new class of self-made super philanthropists."

Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel Corp, along with his wife Betty, came in a distant second with $7 billion given or pledged, the magazine said. George Soros, a billionaire investor, placed third, with $2.4 billion, or 68% of his net worth. The magazine's rankings also included philanthropic stalwarts such as Ted Turner (at No.8 ), the founder of Cable News Network, a unit of Time Warner Inc; Michael Bloomberg, the New York City Mayor at No.11; and Sanford Weill, the chairman of Citigroup Inc at No. 23.


Fdo. Alejandro Arenzana Magaña

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#1 Ille Corvus
24/11/2003 - 18:04 | Informe spam
El Sat, 22 Nov 2003 11:28:38 +0100, "Alejandro Arenzana Magaña"

Por si alguien tiene problemas con el idioma ;-)

http://www.hispamp3.com/noticias/no...hp?noticia 031124095424

Según acaba de publicar el revista "Business Week", el presidente de
Microsoft, Bill Gates y su esposa encabezan la lista de filántropos
del mundo.

Según la publicación "Business Week" Bill Gates, y su esposa han
prometido donar unos 23.000 millones de dólares, más de la mitad en
sus activos netos, y aproximadamente similar al producto interno bruto
de Hungría.

En el segundo escalafón anual de la revista de los 50 mayores
filántropos de Estados Unidos, aparece Gordon Moore, co-fundador de
Intel, junto con su mujer Betty, con 7.000 millones de dólares donados
o prometidos.

En tercer aparece George Soros con 2.400 millones de dólares, y un 68%
de sus activos netos.

Tamabién aparecen en el número 8 Ted Turner, fundador de Cable News
Network (CNN), una unidad de Time Warner; el alcalde de Nueva York,
Michael Bloomberg, en el undécimo puesto, y Sanford Weill, el
presidente de Citigroup, en el número 23.

Ille Corvus. Hic et Nunc.
#2 𺰘šJessica Fishermanš˜°ºð
25/11/2003 - 00:06 | Informe spam

Jessica Fisherman Lee

jessfi at mtv dot com
"Ille Corvus" wrote in message news:
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