Illegal Immigration, the Non-Issue of the Week??????????????

31/03/2006 - 06:06 por TheExpert | Informe spam
The way our politicians rushed to talk about
illegal immigration this week, maybe they thought it
came with a free lunch. They won't do anything about it,
but it will get them some money. The Expert provides
the details at:

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#1 Mr.Tucker [MS MVP Windows]
31/03/2006 - 07:59 | Informe spam

Mr.Tucker Dot Com.-
Mr.Tucker [MS-MVP Windows - IE/OE]

"Expert Humor" wrote in message
The way our politicians rushed to talk about
illegal immigration this week, maybe they thought it
came with a free lunch. They won't do anything about it,
but it will get them some money. The Expert provides
the details at:

*** Free account sponsored by ***
*** Encrypt your Internet usage with a free VPN account from ***
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#2 Santiago José López Borrazás
31/03/2006 - 15:17 | Informe spam
Hash: SHA512

Fecha: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:59:49 -0400
Quién: Mr.Tucker [MS MVP Windows]


Esos mensajes, en el alemán, ni un sólo mensaje, oyes... :-)

P.S.: Me caduca estos días el asunto del individual, pero supóngo que lo
harán de forma automática :-PPP

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