[hardware] Pentium V will launch with 64-bit Windows Elements

28/09/2003 - 18:28 por JM Tella Llop [MS MVP] · | Informe spam
DETAILS HAVE EMERGED of the future design of Intel's Tejas/Pentium V processor, and of how the chip firm will present it to the world. The chip will sample internally at Intel in January 2004 and will take between four to six months to get to market. The Pentium 6 will follow a very similar schedule. The Pentium V is likely to fly along at between 5GHz to 7GHz, have 2MB plus of level two cache, be built on a 90 nanometer process, and have a stackable design.

The processor we believe, sits in the LGA 775 pin socket, and above it is a very thin heatsink. But, according to sources close to the firm's plans, another permeable heatsink can sit between this and another microprocessor module, giving a stackable design. The final design of this arrangement is not set in stone. According to this source, and the details have not been confirmed, a module sitting on top could provide 64-bit extensions.

And the source claimed, Microsoft is ready to launch a version of Windows called Elements with 64-bit extensions. The idea seems to be that people can buy a 32-bit module, and then add in the 64-bit processor. There are three samples of an arrangement of the Pentium V here in Taiwan this week, with a very thin processor and lots of wires and patches stuck on it, just to show proof of concept.

The Pentium V could have a front side bus speed of as much as 4000MHz, the source claimed, although this may be reserved for the next chip along, the Nehalem.


Jose Manuel Tella Llop

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#1 Carlos
28/09/2003 - 21:53 | Informe spam
Joer, nos has puesto los dientes largos :)


"JM Tella Llop [MS MVP] ·" escribió en el mensaje
DETAILS HAVE EMERGED of the future design of Intel's Tejas/Pentium V
processor, and of how the chip firm will present it to the world. The chip
will sample internally at Intel in January 2004 and will take between four
to six months to get to market. The Pentium 6 will follow a very similar
schedule. The Pentium V is likely to fly along at between 5GHz to 7GHz, have
2MB plus of level two cache, be built on a 90 nanometer process, and have a
stackable design.

The processor we believe, sits in the LGA 775 pin socket, and above it is a
very thin heatsink. But, according to sources close to the firm's plans,
another permeable heatsink can sit between this and another microprocessor
module, giving a stackable design. The final design of this arrangement is
not set in stone. According to this source, and the details have not been
confirmed, a module sitting on top could provide 64-bit extensions.

And the source claimed, Microsoft is ready to launch a version of Windows
called Elements with 64-bit extensions. The idea seems to be that people can
buy a 32-bit module, and then add in the 64-bit processor. There are three
samples of an arrangement of the Pentium V here in Taiwan this week, with a
very thin processor and lots of wires and patches stuck on it, just to show
proof of concept.

The Pentium V could have a front side bus speed of as much as 4000MHz, the
source claimed, although this may be reserved for the next chip along, the


Jose Manuel Tella Llop

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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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#2 JM Tella Llop [MS MVP] ·
28/09/2003 - 22:19 | Informe spam
Yo no. ellos ;-)

Jose Manuel Tella Llop

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"Carlos" wrote in message news:
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#3 Raúl Carbonari \(Ar\)
29/09/2003 - 13:40 | Informe spam
Algunas cosas son viejas...
No recuerdo bien si un MIPS R4000 o un Alpha ya traían 2MB de cache L2
cuando corrian a unos 90 MHz
Ahora lo de apilarlos es una linda idea, imaginen cuando pidamos una PC con
PentiumV de '2 pisos' :o)
Raúl Carbonari

"JM Tella Llop [MS MVP] ·" escribió en el mensaje
DETAILS HAVE EMERGED of the future design of Intel's Tejas/Pentium V
processor, and of how the chip firm will present it to the world. The chip
will sample internally at Intel in January 2004 and will take between four
to six months to get to market. The Pentium 6 will follow a very similar
schedule. The Pentium V is likely to fly along at between 5GHz to 7GHz, have
2MB plus of level two cache, be built on a 90 nanometer process, and have a
stackable design.

The processor we believe, sits in the LGA 775 pin socket, and above it is a
very thin heatsink. But, according to sources close to the firm's plans,
another permeable heatsink can sit between this and another microprocessor
module, giving a stackable design. The final design of this arrangement is
not set in stone. According to this source, and the details have not been
confirmed, a module sitting on top could provide 64-bit extensions.

And the source claimed, Microsoft is ready to launch a version of Windows
called Elements with 64-bit extensions. The idea seems to be that people can
buy a 32-bit module, and then add in the 64-bit processor. There are three
samples of an arrangement of the Pentium V here in Taiwan this week, with a
very thin processor and lots of wires and patches stuck on it, just to show
proof of concept.

The Pentium V could have a front side bus speed of as much as 4000MHz, the
source claimed, although this may be reserved for the next chip along, the


Jose Manuel Tella Llop

Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no
otorga ningún derecho.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
You assume all risk for your use.
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