[TIP] Borrar el fichero de hibernacion (hiberfil.sys) en Windows Vista .

02/02/2007 - 19:40 por JM Tella Llop [MVP Windows] | Informe spam

Jose Manuel Tella Llop
MVP - Windows
jmtella@XXXcompuserve.com (quitar XXX)

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#1 Jorge O
02/02/2007 - 20:05 | Informe spam
Hash: SHA1

:-) Ya sé porque andas motivado¡¡¡ Esas envidias...

JM Tella Llop [MVP Windows] escribió:
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Iniciando XP Profesional y Fedora Core 5
To follow the path: Look to the master,Follow the master,
Walk with the master,See through the master,Become the master.

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