Tengo problemas para instalar Word 2002 & Word 2000 (Disco 1 (SR-1

15/06/2005 - 22:47 por G. Esquivel | Informe spam
I was obliged to uninstall Windows 98SE. When re-installing, all my problems
began. Apparently, the trouble is with Outlook Express, since it's working
improperly and I cannot fixed it. It keeps asking me for Word Disk SR-1 which
I cannot install.

I have two Authentic copies of Word. One is a single copy of the Version
2002, and a Word copy which come along with Excel and some other programs
within the Suite "Office 2000 PYME (2 Discs: SR-1 & SR-2). I am unable to
install neither one of them.

What shall I do?

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#1 Pe
15/06/2005 - 22:50 | Informe spam
G. Esquivel a formulé la demande :
I was obliged to uninstall Windows 98SE. When re-installing, all my problems
began. Apparently, the trouble is with Outlook Express, since it's working
improperly and I cannot fixed it. It keeps asking me for Word Disk SR-1 which
I cannot install.

I have two Authentic copies of Word. One is a single copy of the Version
2002, and a Word copy which come along with Excel and some other programs
within the Suite "Office 2000 PYME (2 Discs: SR-1 & SR-2). I am unable to
install neither one of them.

What shall I do?

¿Por qué pone el título del post en español y el resto en inglés? Este
es un foro en español, por favor, respete el idioma.

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#2 G. Esquivel
16/06/2005 - 23:31 | Informe spam
PE: Ye vous priez de me excuser / Le ruego me perdone, escribo en Español:

Fui obligado a desinstalar Windows 98SE. <<<<Todos mis problemas empezaron
cuando instalé de nuevo Windows 98SE. Aparentemente Outlook Express es el
programa que causa el problema, pues no trabaja apropiadamente y no puedo
arreglarlo. Cada vez que trato de hacerlo, me pide el Disco Word SR-1, que no
puedo instalar.

Poseo dos (2) copias aunténticas de Word. Una copia sola de la Versión 2002,
y otra copia de la Versión 2000 que viene junto con Suite "Office 2000 PYME
(2 Discs: SR-1 & SR-2). Me es imposible instalar ninguno de los dos. ¿Que
puedo hacer?
Atentos saludos
G. Esquivel

"Pe" escribió:

G. Esquivel a formulé la demande :
> I was obliged to uninstall Windows 98SE. When re-installing, all my problems
> began. Apparently, the trouble is with Outlook Express, since it's working
> improperly and I cannot fixed it. It keeps asking me for Word Disk SR-1 which
> I cannot install.
> I have two Authentic copies of Word. One is a single copy of the Version
> 2002, and a Word copy which come along with Excel and some other programs
> within the Suite "Office 2000 PYME (2 Discs: SR-1 & SR-2). I am unable to
> install neither one of them.
> What shall I do?

¿Por qué pone el título del post en español y el resto en inglés? Este
es un foro en español, por favor, respete el idioma.


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#3 Pe
17/06/2005 - 22:02 | Informe spam
G. Esquivel a exposé le 16/06/2005 :
Me es imposible instalar ninguno de los dos. ¿Que
puedo hacer?

¿Algún mensaje de error?

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