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[Seguridad] Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for May, 2006

10/05/2006 - 00:35 por Enrique [MVP Windows] | Informe spam
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for May, 2006

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-018
Vulnerability in Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Could
Allow Denial of Service (913580)

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-019
Vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-020
Vulnerabilities in Macromedia Flash Player from Adobe Could Allow Remote
Code Execution (913433)

Enrique Cortés
Microsoft MVP - Windows - IE/OE
ekort@ZZZZmvps.org (despiértame si me quieres escribir)
Vista x86 (TM) Build 5365
IE 7.0.5346.5 on XPSP2

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#1 noSign
10/05/2006 - 19:28 | Informe spam
Aunque lo indicas en otro post, no viene de mas indicar:

La actualizacion MS06-020 Vulnerabilidad en Flash Player (913433)

Solo se aplicara quien tenga una version antigua del Flash player

"Si has instalado la última versión de Flash Player (, tu
sistema no es vulnerable, y la actualización de seguridad no se puede
instalar (no la necesitas)."


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