quieres seguridad... 2 tazas

15/02/2005 - 20:36 por Antonio Amengual[MSMVP] | Informe spam
This Alert is to make you aware of several announcements made today, 15
February 2005 at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, California.

During his keynote address at the annual RSA Conference today, Bill
Gates, chairman and chief software architect at Microsoft Corp.,
announced continued innovation and technology investments including
future enhancements for safer Web browsing, such as:
- Plans for a new version of Microsoft(r) Internet Explorer for Windows
XP Service Pack 2 customers
- Expanding anti-spyware protection by including the Windows(r)
AntiSpyware technology at no additional charge as part of the Windows
value proposition
- Edge protection technology for businesses, notably the release to
manufacturing of Microsoft Internet Security & Acceleration (ISA) Server
2004 Enterprise Edition
- The need for more robust anti-virus protections for collaboration and
messaging, demonstrated with Microsoft's intention to acquire Sybari
Software Inc
- Plans to launch the Microsoft Update beta program

In addition, today, the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) Beta
2.0 beta nomination is now open.

Bienvenidos al sitio de MVP de Microsoft


Recuerda: Una Consulta, Un Foro:

Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no otorga ningún derecho.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
You assume all risk for your use.

XP Pro-2600-limpia+SP2

por favor
respuestas al grupo; asi nos beneficiamos todos
no se responde personalmente


ms mvp windowsxp shell user

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#1 Javier Garcia
15/02/2005 - 21:21 | Informe spam
"Antonio Amengual[MSMVP]" :

2 TAZAS jejeje

la primera... jejeje

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