Hola Grupo, en una maquina con Win 2003 y SQL 2000 configuro:
Se configura una replica transaccional con un subscriptor que se actualiza
por push.
Se replica un solo artículo: una tabla idéntica (estructura y datos) en
ambas bases.
Transactional publication of Molino database from Publisher SMARTSOF-4OXMQ5.
Create a transactional publication from database 'Molino'.
The following types of Subscribers may subscribe to this publication:
Servers running SQL Server 2000
Publish the following tables as articles:
'M0_Clering' as 'M0_Clering'
The name of this publication is 'Clearing'. The description is
'Transactional publication of Molino database from Publisher
Do not filter data in this publication.
Do not allow anonymous subscriptions to this publication.
Run the Snapshot Agent at the following scheduled times:
Occurs every 1 day(s), at 11:01:00 p.m.., ending 14/07/2005
Run the Snapshot Agent as scheduled.
Se crea correctamente.
SQL Server Enterprise Manager successfully created publication 'Clearing'
from database 'Molino'.
Se crea el subscritor (push)
Create a subscription to publication 'Clearing' from
Publisher 'SMARTSOF-4OXMQ5'.
Create a subscription at the following Subscriber(s):
Create each subscription in a database named 'Cereales'.
Run the Distribution Agent(s) continuously.
Do not initialize the subscription(s) with a snapshot; the
Subscriber(s) already has the data and schema.
Verify that the following services are started:
SQLServerAgent (on SMARTSOF-4OXMQ5)
Se crea correctamente.
Subscriptions were created successfully at the following Subscribers:
Al realizar una modificación en un registro en la base publicadora arroja:
Could not find stored procedure 'sp_MSupd_M0_Clering'.
(Source: SMARTSOF-4OXMQ5 (Data source); Error number: 2812)
Alguna idea .Gracias
Luis Bacigalupo
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