problemas con inicio de sesion

29/09/2004 - 18:57 por jorgehch | Informe spam
estaba realizando un trabajo cuando mi pc se bloqueo,no se
me hizo extraño a si que reinicie mi pc, al iniciar
nuevamente la pantalla para introducir mi contraseña con
mi cuenta de usuario la ingresew y comenzo a cargar mi
configuracion, me mostro el fondo de pantalla de mi
escritorio y en cuestion de segundos comenzo a cerra la
sesion esto sucedio en todas la s ocasiones que lo intente.

como o mencionaba en el mensaje anterior hice una
instalacion paralela al windows que ya tenia previamente
para buscar algun indicio del rpobelma y encontre un log
en la carpeta C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode llamado userenv
en el cual me muestra los siguientes mensajes:

USERENV(11c.1e4) 21:25:28:189 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(11c.1e4) 21:25:33:437 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(11c.120) 21:25:36:842 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(250.254) 21:26:03:430 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(100.170) 21:26:27:845 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(100.1d8) 21:32:28:663 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV( 21:32:46:429 LoadUserProfileI:
LoadUserProfileP failed with 21
USERENV(100.170) 21:32:46:429 LoadUserProfile: Calling
LoadUserProfileI failed. err = 21
USERENV(d8.63c) 21:32:46:489 LoadUserProfileI:
LoadUserProfileP failed with 21
USERENV(100.170) 21:32:46:489 LoadUserProfile: Calling
LoadUserProfileI failed. err = 21
USERENV(d8.63c) 21:36:46:054 LoadUserProfileI:
LoadUserProfileP failed with 21
USERENV(100.174) 21:36:46:054 LoadUserProfile: Calling
LoadUserProfileI failed. err = 21
USERENV(720.724) 21:40:15:555 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(11c.3d4) 21:40:46:840 CompileMof: Failed to get
delete the rsop namespace. Error 0x80041002. Continuing..
USERENV(6cc.6d0) 21:41:05:106 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(71c.754) 21:41:06:618 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(270.274) 21:48:44:520
CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:12:640 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:12:670 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:12:670 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:13:912 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:13:912 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:13:982 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:13:982 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:13:982 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:14:743 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:14:743 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.668) 20:51:22:726 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's
gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(270.75c) 20:51:27:112 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's
gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(274.278) 21:09:39:153
CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0

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#1 Raul Serrano [MVP Windows]
29/09/2004 - 21:38 | Informe spam
Arranca con el CD de XP seleccionas Reparar para iniciar la consola de
recuperacion desde la que debes ejecutar el siguiente comando:

chkdsk /R

Una vez terminado teclea "exit" y se reiniciará el equipo, intenta iniciar
sesion en la instalacion dañada.

Un Saludo

Raul Serrano
MVP Windows Shell/User
- FAQ Windows XP -
- Expert Zone -

"jorgehch" escribió en el mensaje
estaba realizando un trabajo cuando mi pc se bloqueo,no se
me hizo extraño a si que reinicie mi pc, al iniciar
nuevamente la pantalla para introducir mi contraseña con
mi cuenta de usuario la ingresew y comenzo a cargar mi
configuracion, me mostro el fondo de pantalla de mi
escritorio y en cuestion de segundos comenzo a cerra la
sesion esto sucedio en todas la s ocasiones que lo intente.

como o mencionaba en el mensaje anterior hice una
instalacion paralela al windows que ya tenia previamente
para buscar algun indicio del rpobelma y encontre un log
en la carpeta C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode llamado userenv
en el cual me muestra los siguientes mensajes:

USERENV(11c.1e4) 21:25:28:189 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(11c.1e4) 21:25:33:437 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(11c.120) 21:25:36:842 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(250.254) 21:26:03:430 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(100.170) 21:26:27:845 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(100.1d8) 21:32:28:663 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV( 21:32:46:429 LoadUserProfileI:
LoadUserProfileP failed with 21
USERENV(100.170) 21:32:46:429 LoadUserProfile: Calling
LoadUserProfileI failed. err = 21
USERENV(d8.63c) 21:32:46:489 LoadUserProfileI:
LoadUserProfileP failed with 21
USERENV(100.170) 21:32:46:489 LoadUserProfile: Calling
LoadUserProfileI failed. err = 21
USERENV(d8.63c) 21:36:46:054 LoadUserProfileI:
LoadUserProfileP failed with 21
USERENV(100.174) 21:36:46:054 LoadUserProfile: Calling
LoadUserProfileI failed. err = 21
USERENV(720.724) 21:40:15:555 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(11c.3d4) 21:40:46:840 CompileMof: Failed to get
delete the rsop namespace. Error 0x80041002. Continuing..
USERENV(6cc.6d0) 21:41:05:106 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(71c.754) 21:41:06:618 ProcessAutoexec: Cannot
process autoexec.bat.
USERENV(270.274) 21:48:44:520
CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:12:640 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:12:670 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:12:670 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:13:912 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.288) 21:49:13:912 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:13:982 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:13:982 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:13:982 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:14:743 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.4c8) 21:49:14:743 GetUserGuid: Failed to get
user guid with 1355.
USERENV(270.668) 20:51:22:726 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's
gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(270.75c) 20:51:27:112 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's
gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(274.278) 21:09:39:153
CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
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