[NOTICIA] SQL 2005 Express Edition, el sucesor de MSDE

29/06/2004 - 15:17 por Gustavo Larriera [MVP SQL] | Informe spam
SQL Express 2005, el sucesor de MSDE, con herramientas gráficas de
administración, y mejoras funcionales (bases de hasta 4 G, no más penalty de
performance por concurrencia...) Además de eso, hay versiones nuevas
reducidas y de bajo costo para los programadores de aplicaciones.

Van los detalles, disculpen que están en inglés.

CNET News.com
June 28, 2004, 9:00 PM PDT
Microsoft reaches beyond professional programmers
By Martin LaMonica

Microsoft is reaching out to nonprofessional programmers with a revamped
line of developer tools, including a free version of its forthcoming SQL
Server database.

As expected, the company launched the new line of "Express" branded
developer tools at its TechEd Europe conference in Amsterdam on Tuesday. The
lightweight editions of its Visual Studio line and SQL Server database are
meant to expanding Microsoft's presence among students and hobbyists.

Microsoft executives also confirmed that beta versions of SQL Server 2005
and Visual Studio 2005 are "imminent." Completed products are expected in
the first half of next year.

At the same time that Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 are made
available, Microsoft will release the Express line, which will includes
stripped-down versions of its Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++ and Visual
J++ products. The company will also release a free SQL Server Express
Edition. A new product, Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, will be
priced in the "tens of dollars," said John Montgomery, director of marketing
for Microsoft's developer division.

Montgomery said Microsoft is targeting a large population--the company
estimates there are 18 million nonprofessionals, compared to 6 million
professional programmers--of people who want cheap or free products
appropriate for building business applications. Often, nonprofessionals use
Web-oriented tools, such as FrontPage or Macromedia Flash, which are
suitable for front-end design but not database-driven business applications,
he said.

The Express edition of SQL Server 2005, also planned for release next year,
will be limited to a single server processor, one gigabyte of memory and 400
gigabytes of storage. Even with these restrictions, Microsoft expects the
database to compete with open-source alternatives, such as MySQL, said Tom
Rizzo, director of product management in the SQL Server unit.

"It is really for a data-driven application where you just want a place to
put your data in and maybe have it interoperate with (higher-end versions
of) SQL Server through replication," Rizzo said.

The Express edition allows developers to use Visual Studio to write "stored
procedures," or prewritten database queries, with different programming
languages and store XML as a data type. However, it does not include have
reporting capabilities or the same management tools as the full-scale
editions of SQL Server, he said.

Microsoft also plans to announce an agreement with Amazon and eBay to make
software development kits for Amazon, eBay and PayPal Web services available
to Microsoft developers via download.

Gustavo Larriera, MVP-SQL, MCSE
Uruguay LatAm
Este mensaje se proporciona "COMO ESTA" sin garantias y no otorga ningun
derecho / This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

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#1 Gustavo Larriera [MVP SQL]
29/06/2004 - 17:07 | Informe spam

SQL Server 2005 Express Technical Preview

Download SQL Server 2005 Express Technical Preview, successor to MSDE 2000.
This is a Technical Preview (Pre-Beta 2) release of the product and is
unsupported in production environments.

Gustavo Larriera, MVP-SQL, MCSE
Uruguay LatAm
Este mensaje se proporciona "COMO ESTA" sin garantias y no otorga ningun
derecho / This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
"Gustavo Larriera [MVP SQL]" wrote in message
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#2 Salvador Ramos
29/06/2004 - 17:39 | Informe spam
Muchas gracias, Gustavo, muy interesante.

Voy a descargarlo y a ver si lo puedo instalar :-)

Un saludo
Salvador Ramos
Murcia - España

No puedes conseguir software rápidamente disminuyendo su calidad.
En cambio, si que lo consigues aumentando la calidad.

www.helpdna.net (información sobre Windows DNA, SQL Server, VB, ...)

Microsoft MVP SQL Server
MCP SQL Server
PASS Spanish Group (www.sqlpass.org)

"Gustavo Larriera [MVP SQL]" escribió en el
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#3 Gustavo Larriera [MVP SQL]
30/06/2004 - 02:26 | Informe spam
Salvador, luego de instalarlo, esperamos tus comentarios :-)

Este artículo (en inglés) explica las principales características de SQL
Server 2005 Express Edition.


Y este otro, como hacer desarrollo web con las nuevas herramientas:



Gustavo Larriera, MVP-SQL, MCSE
Uruguay LatAm
Este mensaje se proporciona "COMO ESTA" sin garantias y no otorga ningun
derecho / This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
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#4 ulises
30/06/2004 - 03:08 | Informe spam
Gracias Gux por los links, lo descargué temprano pero aún no me da
tiempo para probarlo, mi pregunta va por la afirmación que ya no
tendrá la penalización de rendimiento que tiene el MSDE, si bien en
los documentos que he leido no lo mencionan (solo mencionan la
limitación de 1 CPU y 4GB de tamaño) tampoco indican nada en
contrario. ¿has encontrado algún link donde indiquen claramente que no
tendrá esta limitación?.


On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 12:07:37 -0300, "Gustavo Larriera [MVP SQL]"

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#5 Tomas Martin
30/06/2004 - 08:57 | Informe spam
Ups, sin Reporting Services!

Sabe alguien si se implementará en un futuro o se podrá licenciar aparte?

Tomás Martín
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