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MSN Encarta must make the pertinent corrections! San Juan River is Nicaraguan!!

29/03/2009 - 04:19 por izayana.matamoros | Informe spam
"El río principal de Costa Rica es el San Juan, que establece la
frontera septentrional con Nicaragua." (quotation extracted from MSN

I used to respect all the information provided by Microsoft Encarta,
as the serious encyclopedia I thought it was, but after seeing that
huge mistake (how come you said that San Juan River is Costa Rican??
Don't you have a real staff of investigators and editors??), I just
have to recommend you to search in Wikipedia before uploading
information. At least they're right when it comes to Rio San Juan.

Shame on you, MSN Encarta. This is not only a little mistake, but an
offense to a whole Nation and all his people.

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#1 ugarte.wild
29/03/2009 - 05:09 | Informe spam
On 28 mar, 20:19, wrote:
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Completely right, San Juan river is nicaraguan acording to Cañas Jerez
treat back in the 1800Žs, and costa rica has no control over the river
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