In the News by Paul Thurrott,
Microsoft Delays Windows Server 2003 SP1 to 2005
Microsoft confirmed yesterday afternoon that the company will delay
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) until the first half of 2005.
The long-expected schedule change comes in the wake of delays to
Windows XP SP2, which is now due in early August. Development of
Windows 2003 SP1 can take place in earnest only after XP SP2 is
completed, sources at Microsoft told me.
"We now anticipate that Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows Server
2003 for 64-bit Extended Systems will ship in the first half of 2005,
whereas we previously estimated the release timing for both to be the
end of 2004," a Microsoft representative told me. "Additionally, given
that Windows XP 64-bit for 64-bit Extended Systems is also tied to
Windows Server 2003 SP1, it will also ship the first half of 2005. As
is the case with all Microsoft product schedules, the development
cycle is driven by quality, with a focus on the needs of our customers
rather than an arbitrary date."
Windows 2003 SP1, like XP SP2, will include multiple
security-oriented changes, such as a Security Configuration Wizard
that will use the roles-based infrastructure in Windows 2003 to
automatically shut down unnecessary ports and services. According to
Microsoft, the release will also include any relevant security changes
from XP SP2.
= Announcement
Javier Inglés, MS-MVP
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