[Info] Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do?

04/08/2004 - 18:02 por Javier Inglés [MS MVP] | Informe spam
Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do?
Cleaning a Compromised System
The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and rebuild. That's right. If you have a system that has been completely compromised, the only thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat the system disk) and rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your applications)

Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do? Part II

Una más pal bote... ;-)))


Javier Inglés, MS-MVP


Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no otorga ningún derecho

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#1 Alezito [MS MVP]
04/08/2004 - 18:11 | Informe spam
No estamos solos '-)

• The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and
rebuild. That’s right. If you have a system that has been completely
compromised, the only thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat
the system disk) and rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your
applications). Alternatively, you could of course work on your resume
instead, but I don’t want to see you doing that.


Alejandro Curquejo
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Que es el Programa MVP (Most Valuable Professional)

"Javier Inglés [MS MVP]" escribió en el
mensaje news:
Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do?
Cleaning a Compromised System
The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and rebuild. That's
right. If you have a system that has been completely compromised, the only
thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat the system disk) and
rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your applications)

Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do? Part II

Una más pal bote... ;-)))


Javier Inglés, MS-MVP


Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no
otorga ningún derecho
#2 Alezito [MS MVP]
04/08/2004 - 18:11 | Informe spam
No estamos solos '-)

• The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and
rebuild. That’s right. If you have a system that has been completely
compromised, the only thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat
the system disk) and rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your
applications). Alternatively, you could of course work on your resume
instead, but I don’t want to see you doing that.


Alejandro Curquejo
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Que es el Programa MVP (Most Valuable Professional)

"Javier Inglés [MS MVP]" escribió en el
mensaje news:
Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do?
Cleaning a Compromised System
The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and rebuild. That's
right. If you have a system that has been completely compromised, the only
thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat the system disk) and
rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your applications)

Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do? Part II

Una más pal bote... ;-)))


Javier Inglés, MS-MVP


Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no
otorga ningún derecho
#3 Alezito [MS MVP]
04/08/2004 - 18:11 | Informe spam
No estamos solos '-)

• The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and
rebuild. That’s right. If you have a system that has been completely
compromised, the only thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat
the system disk) and rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your
applications). Alternatively, you could of course work on your resume
instead, but I don’t want to see you doing that.


Alejandro Curquejo
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Que es el Programa MVP (Most Valuable Professional)

"Javier Inglés [MS MVP]" escribió en el
mensaje news:
Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do?
Cleaning a Compromised System
The only way to clean a compromised system is to flatten and rebuild. That's
right. If you have a system that has been completely compromised, the only
thing you can do is to flatten the system (reformat the system disk) and
rebuild it from scratch (reinstall Windows and your applications)

Help: I Got Hacked. Now What Do I Do? Part II

Una más pal bote... ;-)))


Javier Inglés, MS-MVP


Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase, y no
otorga ningún derecho
#4 Anonimo
04/08/2004 - 18:23 | Informe spam
Cierto. La estupidez abunda.

Define 'completamente comprometido' :-))))))))))))))

Mostrar la cita
flatten and
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Mostrar la cita
system (reformat
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Windows and your
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your resume
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escribió en el
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and rebuild. That's
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compromised, the only
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system disk) and
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Mostrar la cita
ninguna clase, y no
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#5 ttutturrin
04/08/2004 - 18:38 | Informe spam
¿Aprendiendo inglés?

Dios castiga sin palo .(Por Olmo).

La falta de realización de copias de seguridad por parte del usuario
constituye NEGLIGENCIA.


escribió en el mensaje
Cierto. La estupidez abunda.

Define 'completamente comprometido' :-))))))))))))))

Mostrar la cita
flatten and
Mostrar la cita
Mostrar la cita
system (reformat
Mostrar la cita
Windows and your
Mostrar la cita
your resume
Mostrar la cita
escribió en el
Mostrar la cita
and rebuild. That's
Mostrar la cita
compromised, the only
Mostrar la cita
system disk) and
Mostrar la cita
Mostrar la cita
ninguna clase, y no
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