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Help!! Defrag hang; now win98 boot problems

30/08/2004 - 04:30 por newmem | Informe spam
My machine was working a fine but a little slow so started a defrag. Hang
after 82% completion. No response to Alt-Ctrl-Del at all. Reset machine -
now when I start the machine, it beeps continously (like a siren). The
monitor says "check signal" and then turns off. I pressed "Ctrl" but the
beeping does not stop and there is nothing on the monitor. I put in the boot
floppy disk in the drive and reset again. There is no attempt to read the
drive. I can only turn off the machine to turn off the beeping.

I have been trying all day to get it to boot.

I would appreciate any help here as I am completely lost !!



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#1 Jordi Maycas
30/08/2004 - 14:00 | Informe spam
maybe is that your hardisk will be fail...

"newmem" <""> escribió en el mensaje
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#2 fermu
31/08/2004 - 17:36 | Informe spam
newmem escribió:

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Maybe your machine is not as old as i believed... I've use a machine
during ten years without errors o problems :-)

The factors that causes continuous beeping only can be, a memory or a
video problem. Maybe a motherboard issue, i hope that no... but usually
is not caused by other reason. (harddisk, cpu, bios configuration...)

Outright motherboard failure is fairly rare in a new system, and
extremely rare in a system that is already up and running

So, there is only two factors (memory or video), the only thing that you
can do to verify a memory issue, is try to test the ram in other
computer (maybe in a friend's computer??). Try the same for the graphics

Fernando M.
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