Flight Sim is No Longer

04/03/2009 - 02:13 por person235 | Informe spam
Microsoft has laid off the workers that update and develop flight simulator.
You may not have ever played Flight Simulator, and you may never. But
Flight Simulator played a huge role in Microsoft's history. For a computer
to be able to run early versions of Windows, Flight Simulator was the
standard. All PCs had to be able to run it. Over the years, Flight
simulator has become more elaborate and with the latest version, X, there
have been many headaches. Since the economic downturn has affected
Microsoft, they have decided this culture, almost, is unimporatnt.
Personally, I think they should rehire the workers to keep a vital part of
microsoft alive. X is still available, but there may never be another
version. Many of you don't care. Let me add in a personal experience: I
am slowly transitioning to a new Mac. I still have my PC only because I
enjoy FS. Now I am saddened that Microsoft is letting go what once was so
important to them.

person 235

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#1 Thierry M.
04/03/2009 - 04:22 | Informe spam
person235 a écrit :

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- Google Earth Translation -

Microsoft France contradicts bad rumors:

Source: http://www.microsim.over-blog.com/a...12016.html
The product enjoys great popularity, a community of loyal users that it
is out of question to give up. FS will remain in the bosom of Microsoft
and will continue to evolve, however, a little late on the timetables.
However, the project Train Simulator 2 it is stopped (it should take
some of the graphics engine of FS).
It is therefore a relief for any part of the community. For FS, it is
not only a development studio: the software supports publishers of
add-ons, manufacturers of devices, specialty magazines (we know
something!). It would have been truly damaging to stop this prestigious
license. That is reassuring, therefore, FS is still in the bins, the
next version will see the day

Qu'est-ce qu' un embryon ? un foetus ?
(cours a l'intention des étudiants en médecine - site suisse)
#2 person235
05/03/2009 - 02:09 | Informe spam
Technically, you're right. Still, it's kind of sad.

#3 outfield28
10/03/2009 - 00:52 | Informe spam
I cant believe it. and I JUST got X

Chris Kelly
"person235" wrote in message
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