Erro 22030: Error de MAPI(número error:273)

29/09/2004 - 18:02 por Alberto Ullate | Informe spam

Windows NT 4.0 SP4+ SQL 7.0

Desde el admisnistrador corporativo, inicio el servicio
SQL MAIL, al elegir el perfil de Exchange (administrador)
le doy a probar y me da el mencionado error.


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29/09/2004 - 18:21 | Informe spam
Haz comprobado que el MSSQLServer y SQLServer Agent esten
empleando una cuenta de dominio que pertenezca al grupo

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#2 Edirceu De Brito [MS]
29/09/2004 - 18:30 | Informe spam

a) verifica que el nombre del perfil de Outlook tenga menos de 32 caracteres

b)Verifica la configuracion del perfil, siguiendo la siguiente secuencia:

1) Create domain user account for sql server.

2) Create mailbox for account created in step 1 on exchange server.

3) Logon sql server machine as domain\username account for sql server.

4) Create outlook profile for domain\username account for sql server.
outlook if not installed).

5) Test by sending and receiving email.

6) Add domain\username created in step 1 to the local administrators group
sql server machine.

7) Start sql server and sql agent to use the domain\uername account created
step 1. Recycle sql server and sql agent

8) Configure sqlmail to use profile created in step 4. Test. (In SEM, server
properties, server settings tab, sql mail section.)

9) Configure sql agent to use profile created in step 4. Test. (In SEM, sql
agent properties, mail session section)

10) Create operator and test.


Edirceu De Brito,
Microsoft Support Professional

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"Alberto Ullate" wrote in message
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#3 Isaías
29/09/2004 - 19:15 | Informe spam

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