Changing Windows XP password

05/07/2006 - 10:53 por malkavian2050 | Informe spam

we had Windows 2000 and an intranet that changed password of Windows
using a file (net user usuary password) and changed password and the
Lotus Notes 6 too.
We have changed to Windows XP and using the same system, password of
the Lotus Notes 6 does not change... but if we use the Crtl+Alt+Supr
Windows XP change ALL passwords.

How Windows XP change its password from the interficie of the



Function sincPassw(u, p)

Dim dominio
Set WshSysEnv = oShell.Environment("Process")
lUser = WshSysEnv("USERNAME")
uDomain = WshSysEnv("USERDOMAIN")
' Usuario I+D
If ((lCase(uDomain) = "id") Or (lCase(uDomain) = "id.esteve.inet"))
dominio = "/domain"
dominio = ""
End If

' Cambio la passw por una shell
If (lUser = u) Then
oShell.Run "%comspec% /c net user "&usuario&" "&p&" "&dominio
End If

End Function

' Operaciones
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim num
num = WScript.Arguments.Count

If num > 0 Then
Dim usuario, passw
Dim args

args = split(WScript.Arguments.Item(0),"&")
usuario = args(0)
passw = args(1)

call sincPassw(usuario, passw)
End If

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#1 Manuel Maza
19/07/2006 - 12:13 | Informe spam

Windows Xp tiene una politica local para cambiar el password despues de
"ctrl + alt + Sup"

Ir a inicio \ejecutar
directivas locales \opciones de seguridad
inicio de sesin interactico "no requerir ctrl +alt +supr"
wrote in message

we had Windows 2000 and an intranet that changed password of Windows
using a file (net user usuary password) and changed password and the
Lotus Notes 6 too.
We have changed to Windows XP and using the same system, password of
the Lotus Notes 6 does not change... but if we use the Crtl+Alt+Supr
Windows XP change ALL passwords.

How Windows XP change its password from the interficie of the



Function sincPassw(u, p)

Dim dominio
Set WshSysEnv = oShell.Environment("Process")
lUser = WshSysEnv("USERNAME")
uDomain = WshSysEnv("USERDOMAIN")
' Usuario I+D
If ((lCase(uDomain) = "id") Or (lCase(uDomain) = "id.esteve.inet"))
dominio = "/domain"
dominio = ""
End If

' Cambio la passw por una shell
If (lUser = u) Then
oShell.Run "%comspec% /c net user "&usuario&" "&p&" "&dominio
End If

End Function

' Operaciones
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim num
num = WScript.Arguments.Count

If num > 0 Then
Dim usuario, passw
Dim args

args = split(WScript.Arguments.Item(0),"&")
usuario = args(0)
passw = args(1)

call sincPassw(usuario, passw)
End If

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