Ayuda con error DNS en visor de sucesos Server

26/11/2007 - 19:49 por Rebeca Abella | Informe spam
Hola a todos de nuevo,

Tengo un DC con un Windows 2003 server, y revisando el event viewer me he
encontrado con que en la parte de sucesos del DNS hay un error que pone

9:14:14 DNS Error None 6702 N/A SERVER "DNS server has updated its own host
(A) records. In order to ensure that its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are
able to replicate with this server, an attempt was made to update them with
the new records through dynamic update. An error was encountered during
this update, the record data is the error code.

If this DNS server does not have any DS-integrated peers, then this error
should be ignored.

If this DNS server's Active Directory replication partners do not have the
correct IP address(es) for this server, they will be unable to replicate
with it.

To ensure proper replication:
1) Find this server's Active Directory replication partners that run the DNS
2) Open DnsManager and connect in turn to each of the replication partners.
3) On each server, check the host (A record) registration for THIS server.
4) Delete any A records that do NOT correspond to IP addresses of this
5) If there are no A records for this server, add at least one A record
corresponding to an address on this server, that the replication partner can
contact. (In other words, if there multiple IP addresses for this DNS
server, add at least one that is on the same network as the Active Directory
DNS server you are updating.)
6) Note, that is not necessary to update EVERY replication partner. It is
only necessary that the records are fixed up on enough replication partners
so that every server that replicates with this server will receive (through
replication) the new data.

Y este error se graba a 1ª hora del día 2 veces diarias.

Alguien sabe cual puede ser la causa? Algún comentario sobre este error a
tener en cuenta?

Os agradezco cualquier ayuda.

Un saludo

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#1 Bryan Calderon
26/11/2007 - 19:59 | Informe spam
Hola Rebecca ya seguistes los pasos que se te indican abajo???


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#2 Rebeca Abella
26/11/2007 - 20:34 | Informe spam
Hola Bryan,

Lo 1º gracias por tu ayuda.
Pues ahora mismo me he puesto con los pasos que se indican mas abajo y estoy
a la espera de resultados.
Mañana por la mañana revisaré el visor de sucesos y os cuento.

De todas formas, os preguntaba por si a alguien le habia sucedido algo

Un saludo,

"Bryan Calderon" escribió en el mensaje
Hola Rebecca ya seguistes los pasos que se te indican abajo???


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