Alguien podria hacer que esta calendario comenzara en Lunes?
Copiar, pegar y probar yo estoy loco ya!
Gracias por vuestra ayuda.
'on error resume next
Dim Fiestas(31)
Dim MyMonth 'Month of calendar
Dim MyYear 'Year of calendar
Dim FirstDay 'First day of the month. 1 = Monday
Dim CurrentDay 'Used to print dates in calendar
Dim Col 'Calendar column
Dim Row 'Calendar row
MyMonth = Request.Querystring("m")
MyYear = Request.Querystring("a")
If IsEmpty(MyMonth) then MyMonth = Month(Date)
if IsEmpty(MyYear) then MyYear = Year(Date)
Call ShowHeader (MyMonth, MyYear)
FirstDay = WeekDay(DateSerial(MyYear, MyMonth, 1)) -1
CurrentDay = 1
'Let's build the calendar
For Row = 0 to 5
For Col = 0 to 6
If Row = 0 and Col < FirstDay then
response.write "<td> </td>"
elseif CurrentDay > LastDay(MyMonth, MyYear) then
response.write "<td> </td>"
response.write "<td"
if MyMonth = Month(Date) and CurrentDay = Day(Date) then
response.write " align=""center"" class=""celda1"">"
response.write " align=""center"" class=""celda2"">"
end if
mes = MyMonth
dia = CurrentDay
ano = Myyear
if len(mes) = 1 then
mes = "0"& mes
end if
if len(dia) = 1 then
dia = "0"& dia
end if
fecha = dia & "/" & mes & "/" & ano
if ExisteFecha(fecha) = 1 then
response.write "<a title = """ & Fiestas(clng(CurrentDay)) & """
href=""javascript:Win('eventos.asp?d=" & CurrentDay & "&m=" & MyMonth &
"&a=" & MyYear & "')"" class=""calendario"">" _
& CurrentDay & "</a></td>"
descripcion = null
response.write"<small>" & CurrentDay & "</small></td>"
end if
CurrentDay = CurrentDay + 1
End If
Response.write "<tr>"
response.write "</table>"
' Sub and functions
Sub ShowHeader(MyMonth,MyYear)
<table border="0" width="150" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center"
class="borde" bgcolor="#0000AD">
<tr align="center">
<td colspan="7">
<table border="0" width="150" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"
<td align="left">
response.write "<a class=""2"" href = ""default.asp?"
if MyMonth - 1 = 0 then
response.write "m&a=" & MyYear -1
response.write "m=" & MyMonth - 1 & "&a=" & MyYear
end if
response.write """><small><img border=""0"" src=""images/flechadetras.gif""
alt=""Anterior mes""></a>"
</td><td align='center'>
response.write " <small><b>" & MonthName(MyMonth) & " " & MyYear &
"</b></small> "
</td><td align='right'>
response.write "<a class=""2"" href = ""default.asp?"
if MyMonth + 1 = 13 then
response.write "m=1&a=" & MyYear + 1
response.write "m=" & MyMonth + 1 & "&a=" & MyYear
end if
response.write """><small><img border=""0"" src=""images/flechadelante.gif""
alt=""Siguiente mes""></font></a>"
<tr align="center">
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">D</font></b></td>
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">L</font></b></td>
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">M</font></b></td>
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">X</font></b></td>
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">J</font></b></td>
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">V</font></b></td>
<b><font color ="#FFFFFF">S</font></b></td>
End Sub
Function MonthName(MyMonth)
Select Case MyMonth
Case 1
MonthName = "Enero"
Case 2
MonthName = "Febrero"
Case 3
MonthName = "Marzo"
Case 4
MonthName = "Abril"
Case 5
MonthName = "Mayo"
Case 6
MonthName = "Junio"
Case 7
MonthName = "Julio"
Case 8
MonthName = "Agosto"
Case 9
MonthName = "Septiembre"
Case 10
MonthName = "Octubre"
Case 11
MonthName = "Noviembre"
Case 12
MonthName = "Diciembre"
Case Else
MonthName = "ERROR!"
End Select
End Function
Function LastDay(MyMonth, MyYear)
' Returns the last day of the month. Takes into account leap years
' Usage: LastDay(Month, Year)
' Example: LastDay(12,2000) or LastDay(12) or Lastday
Select Case MyMonth
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
LastDay = 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11
LastDay = 30
Case 2
If IsDate(MyYear & "-" & MyMonth & "-" & "29") Then LastDay = 29 Else
LastDay = 28
Case Else
LastDay = 0
End Select
End Function
'funcion para averiguar si existe evento en esa fecha (esto ignorarlo)
function ExisteFecha(fecha)
ExisteFecha = 0
end function
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