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14/01/2005 - 11:36 por Verónica B. | Informe spam
* Productos Spywares sospechosos o no confiables:

Ultima actualización 13/ene/05 - 137 entradas:

- #1 Spyware Killer
- 1 Click Spy Clean
- 2004 Adware/Spyware Remover & Blocker
- AdDriller
- Ad-Eliminator
- AdProtector
- ADS Adware Remover
- Ads Alert
- Adware Agent
- Adware Filter
- AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal
- Adware Hitman
- AdwareHunter
- AdwarePro
- AdwareSafe
- AdwareSpy
- AdwareX
- AdwareX Eliminator
- AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover
- AlertSpy
- Anti-Virus&Spyware
- ArmorWall
- Botsquash
- BPS Spyware & Adware Remover
- CoffeeCup Spyware Remover
- Consumer Identity
- CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005
- eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign
- Easy Erase Spyware Remover
- Easy Spyware Killer
- Emco Malware Bouncer
- ETD Security Scanner
- Freeze.com AntiSpyware
- GoodbyeSpy
- GuardBar
- IC Spyware Scanner
- Intelligent Spyware Cleaner
- InternetAntiSpy
- JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer
- KillAllSpyware
- MalWhere
- MaxNetShield
- MicroAntivirus
- MyNetProtector
- NetSpyProtector
- NoAdware
- NoSpyX
- PAL Spyware Remover
- PC AdWare SpyWare Removal
- PCArmor
- pcOrion
- Privacy Champion
- Privacy Defender
- Privacy Tools 2004
- Protect Your Identity
- PurityScan / PuritySweep
- QuickCleaner
- Real AdWareRemoverGold
- RegFreeze
- ScanSpyware
- Scumware-Remover
- Security iGuard
- Spy Detector
- Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro
- SpyAssasin
- SpyAssault
- SpyBan
- SpyBeware
- SpyBlast
- SpyBlocs/eBlocs.com
- SpyBouncer
- SpyBurn
- SpyClean
- SpyCleaner
- SpyDeleter
- SpyDoctor
- SpyEliminator
- SpyFerret
- SpyFighter
- SpyGuardian Pro
- SpyHunter
- SpyiKiller
- Spyinator
- Spy-Kill
- SpyKiller
- SpyKiller 2005
- SpyKillerPro
- SpyLax
- SpyRemover
- SpySpotter
- SpyVest
- Spyware & Pest Remover
- Spyware & Pop-Up Utility
- Spyware Annihilator
- Spyware C.O.P.
- Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker
- Spyware Destroyer
- SpyWare Killer
- Spyware Protection Pro
- Spyware Remover
- Spyware Slayer
- Spyware Snooper
- Spyware Stormer
- Spyware Suite 2005
- Spyware Vanisher
- SpywareAssasin
- SpywareAvenger
- SpywareBeGone
- SpywareCleaner
- SpywareCrusher
- SpywareHound
- SpywareKilla
- SpywareNuker
- SpywareRemover
- SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System
- SpywareThis
- SpywareZapper
- SpyWiper
- Spyzooka
- StopGuard
- Super Spyware Remover
- System Detective
- Terminexor
- The Adware Hunter
- The Spyware Detective
- The Web Shield
- TheSpywareKiller
- Top10Reviews SpyScan
- TrueWatch
- TZ Spyware Adware Remover
- UControl
- Ultimate Cleaner
- VBouncer/AdDestroyer
- WareOut Spyware Remover
- XoftSpy
- X-Spyware
- ZeroSpyware

* Sitios de Spywares sospechosos o no confiables:

Ultima actualización 13/ene/05 - 67 entradas:

- 2004spywareremovers .com
- 2dollarfix .com
- 5spynetwork .com
- add-aware .com
- adwarereport .com
- antispyware .neonant .com
- anti-spyware-review .
- Anti-Spyware-Review .com
- CompareSpywareRemoval .com
- CompareSpywareRemovers .com
- compu3 .com/spyware .html
- e-spyware .com
- likesurfing .com
- mambomarket .com
- megalithusa .com
- merign .org
- noadware .com
- nontoxic-internet .com
- online-survival-lab .com
- privacysoftwarereport .com
- RateSpywareRemovers .com
- removespyware .com
- removespyware .ru
- revieweasy .com/spy
- safespy .net
- scanner .altmaster .net
- smart-security .info
- spyads .com
- spybot .com
- spy-bot .com
- spy-bot .org
- spy-deleter .com
- spyforce .com
- spyhunter .com
- spy-hunter-detector .com
- spy-review .com
- SpySoftCentral .com
- spysoftcentral .com
- spyware .com-rr .com
- spyware .junglebee .com
- spyware .net
- spyware .speedylearning .com
- spyware-adware-download .com
- spywarealert .com
- spywareblaster .com (ver Nota)
- spywarehelp .net
- spywarehub .com
- SpywareInfoooo .com
- spywareonline .org
- spyware-removal .blogspot .com
- spywareremoval .ec-force .com
- SpywareRemovalAuthority .com
- spywareremovalutilities .com
- spywareremove .org
- SpywareRemoverComparisons .com
- spyware-removers .org
- spywareremovers
- SpywareRemoversReview .com
- spywarereview .info
- spywarescanreview .com
- spyware-spybot .net
- successalert .com
- theshopontop .com
- the-spyware-review .com
- toptenreviews .com
- Trojan-Scan .com
- uant .net

* Nota: SPYWAREBLASTER .COM es un sitio que se vale
maliciosamente del nombre de la utilidad legítima
"SpywareBlaster" de Javacool, pero no tiene ninguna relación
con dicho programa. La verdadera utilidad SpywareBlaster
recomendada por VSAntivirus se puede encontrar en el siguiente
enlace: "SpywareBlaster, previene la instalación de
parásitos", http://www.vsantivirus.com/spywareblaster.htm

fuente: www.vsantivirus.com

Verónica B.

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#1 anonymuss
14/01/2005 - 14:20 | Informe spam
#2 anonymuss
14/01/2005 - 14:20 | Informe spam
#3 Isrrael
14/01/2005 - 22:42 | Informe spam
Gracias por la información
"Verónica B." wrote in message
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#4 Isrrael
14/01/2005 - 22:42 | Informe spam
Gracias por la información
"Verónica B." wrote in message
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#5 Verónica B.
14/01/2005 - 22:48 | Informe spam

"Isrrael" <pcpersonal> escribió en el mensaje
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