619: The especified port is not connected

16/10/2003 - 16:49 por Fernando Ruza | Informe spam

Thanks for reading this. I have a problem with my dial up
connection. Neither of them work after installing SP4. I
can connect and after 1 minute (more or less) checking the
user name and password I receive the following error

619: The especified port is not connected

I've done a lot of things even change the modem, applying
the hotfix of article Q824301 , Uninstall and install
again TCP/IP protocol, read other microsoft article
related, check from top to bottom the PPP and RAS log, etc
but nothing solve the problem. I've found also a lot
threads on the microsoft.public. newsgroups regarding this
problem but none of them with the solution. I'm totally
desperated and I don't want to reinstall Win2000 again. I
would like to know what is causing this. Maybe is
something wrong in the last SP4, if so, Why Microsoft
don't do a patch ??

Anyway, do you have any clue or advice. I'll be very

Thanks in advance for any reply.


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#1 Ramón Sola [MS MVP]
17/10/2003 - 02:35 | Informe spam
EL CROSSPOSTING A GRUPOS DE IDIOMAS DIFERENTES ES DETESTABLE. He dicho, he gritado y me he quedado a gusto.
Ramón Sola / Málaga (España)
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User) / http://mvp.support.microsoft.com

Deja de incordiar con ese instrumento infernal
si quieres escribirme. ;-)))

Política de Microsoft para Distribución de Software
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y mucho menos si su procedencia aparente es Microsoft.)

El mensaje identificado como news:0ea201c393f4$b20bffe0$ va a
nombre de Fernando Ruza ():

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