yendo a inicio, ejecutar CMD
podeis averiguar el valor de las siguientes variables de entorno:
a.. ALLUSERSPROFILE: Lists the location of the All Users Profile.
b.. APPDATA: Lists the location where applications store data by default.
c.. CD: Lists the current directory string.
d.. CLIENTNAME: List the client's NETBIOS name when connected to terminal server session.
e.. CMDCMDLINE: Lists the command line used to start the current cmd.exe.
f.. CMDEXTVERSION: Lists the version number of the current Command Processor Extensions.
g.. CommonProgramFiles: Lists the path to the Common Files folder.
h.. COMPUTERNAME: Lists the name of the computer.
i.. COMSPEC: Lists the path to the command shell executable.
j.. DATE: Lists the current date.
k.. ERRORLEVEL: Lists the error code of the most recently used command.
l.. HOMEDRIVE: Lists the drive letter is connected to the user's home directory.
m.. HOMEPATH: Lists the full path of the user's home directory.
n.. HOMESHARE: Lists the network path to the user's shared home directory.
o.. LOGONSEVER: Lists the name of the domain controller that validated the current logon session.
p.. NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: Lists the number of processors installed on the computer.
q.. OS: Lists the name of the operating system. (Windows XP and Windows 2000 list the operating system as Windows_NT.)
r.. Path: Lists the search path for executable files.
s.. PATHEXT: Lists the file extensions that the operating system considers to be executable.
t.. PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: Lists the processor's chip architecture.
u.. PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER: Lists the description of the processor.
v.. PROCESSOR_LEVEL: Lists the model number of the computer's processor.
w.. PROCESSOR_REVISION: Lists the revision number of the processor.
x.. ProgramFiles: Lists the path to the Program Files folder.
y.. PROMPT: Lists the command-prompt settings for the current interpreter.
z.. RANDOM: Lists a random decimal number between 0 and 32767.
aa.. SESSIONNAME: Lists the connection and session names when connected to terminal server session.
ab.. SYSTEMDRIVE: Lists the drive containing the Windows root directory.
ac.. SYSTEMROOT: Lists the location of the Windows root directory.
ad.. TEMP and TMP: List default temporary directories for applications that are available to users who are currently logged on.
ae.. TIME: Lists the current time.
af.. USERDOMAIN: Lists the name of the domain that contains the user's account.
ag.. USERNAME: Lists the name of the user currently logged on.
ah.. USERPROFILE: Lists the location of the profile for the current user.
ai.. WINDIR: Lists the location of the OS directory.
Miss a t
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XP Pro-2600-limpia+SP2
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ms mvp windowsxp shell user
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