Update for Windows Vista Beta 2 and Windows Codename Longhorn Server
Beta 2 (KB919946)
Install this update to fix an issue where in the presence of Internet
Protocol security (IPsec) or Windows Firewall, a race condition can be
hit on multi-processor (or hyper-threaded) systems causing memory
corruption, leading to a system crash. After you install this item, you
may have to restart your computer.
Enrique Cortés
Microsoft MVP - Windows - IE/OE
Date un paseo por mi Blog:
ekort@ZZZZmvps.org (despiértame si me quieres escribir)
Vista x86 (TM) Beta 2 Build 5456.5
IE 7.0.5346.5 on XPSP2
"Soy difícil de oír, pero no para los que me quieren escuchar"
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