- Orientación de página
- error al intentar unirse al dominio
- Botones de acceso rapido en un teclado
- Crear mensaje de inicio en bacth
- Problema con cartel "Suspender Apagar Reiniciar"
- Error al encender laptop Pantalla Azul
- sesion lenta entre xp y winServer2008
- mensaje antes de responder un correo por xchange ...
- problemas con Z:

Tengo windows XP SP2 y Panda Titatium 2005; como un montón de gente he dejado
de poder actualizar desde windows update, dandome el mensaje de error
80200010; he probado todo lo que he leido en los foros, he desactivado el
firewall de windows, el del panda, la proteccion automática tambien, y no
tengo ningun problema con mi adaptador de red. A pesar de ello sigo sin poder
actualizar. Posteo las lineas del windows update.log de hoy:
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Service Main starts
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Using BatchFlushAge = 22778.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Using SamplingValue = 90.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-02 13:55:47+0200 968 3cc Service received logon notification
2005-05-02 13:55:47+0200 968 3cc Service received connect notification
2005-05-02 13:56:00+0200 968 5cc Successfully opened event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for reading.
2005-05-02 13:56:01+0200 3204 c88 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 3204 c88 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc URL for server is
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc Trying to upload 8 events using cached
2005-05-02 13:56:04+0200 968 5cc DetectCompressionType returning type 0,
2005-05-02 13:56:04+0200 968 5cc Successfully uploaded 8 events.
2005-05-02 13:56:04+0200 968 5cc Deleted event cache file at
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {0DA5CF1F-D8BE-475C-BFFD-57B09D4CE51E} from datastore
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} from datastore
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 WU client succeeded to load 2 persisted
Download Calls
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-02 11:56:20
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-02 15:00:00
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 c4c WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 c4c WU client executing call
{B807AFFC-AD51-4ECE-A734-BB228B8C22B5} of type Search Call
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 c4c Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-02 13:56:21+0200 968 c4c Successfully refreshed Redirector cab.
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Loading inf file
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: cdm: Index: 0
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: iuengine: Index: 1
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuapi: Index: 2
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuauclt: Index: 3
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuauclt1: Index: 4
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuaucpl: Index: 5
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuaueng_SelfUpdate: Index: 6
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuaueng1: Index: 7
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wucltui: Index: 8
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wups: Index: 9
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuweb_SelfUpdate: Index: 10
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: winhttp: Index: 11
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll is: 5,5,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll:
Target version: 5.5.3790.2182 Required: 5.5.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:24+0200 968 c4c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:24+0200 968 c4c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:27+0200 968 c4c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-02 13:56:29+0200 968 c4c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-02 13:56:30+0200 968 c4c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-02 13:56:34+0200 968 c4c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-02 13:56:34+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 13:56:34+0200 968 3e0 No pending client directive, bailing out
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{DC269C30-C343-4BBB-AEE5-2B05F1FA1ED4}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{77E365BD-B3C8-DFB0-D66B-59C391A44B38}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{A2D28A3A-34AD-4044-A890-3231305FCF5F}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{FAA4E626-ED18-4ACA-B2B3-D9711543C05F}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{0519DD06-56DA-4804-97BB-E60A8EC36495}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{0202FD54-00B3-4E37-A5FB-E2A34C294780}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client found 6 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.66304
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Computer Brand = GBT___
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Computer Model = AWRDACPI
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Bios Revision = F4
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Bios Name = Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Bios Release Date = 2003-04-23T00:00:00
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Locale ID = 3082
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: iuengine.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll = 5.4.3790.2180
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 c4c WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc AU Detection callback: 6 updates detected
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-03 05:43:13
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-02 15:00:00
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 630 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4e0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 5f8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4f0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 630 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4e0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 5f8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4f0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 630 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4e0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 5cc WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 13:56:40+0200 968 490 REPORT EVENT:
{B04FF005-E7F4-4E34-9D6A-D0EBA5DD1B52} 349 2005-05-02
13:56:35+0200 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Software Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2005-05-02 13:56:40+0200 968 490 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{1FDCCE99-7B5C-4386-9C84-8F6CFC1CB12B}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 13:56:40+0200 968 490 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 14:00:36+0200 968 3cc Service received logoff notification
2005-05-02 14:00:36+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 3
2005-05-02 14:00:40+0200 968 3e0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 43c AU Restart required
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 3e0 ISusInternal API
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall succeeds
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 3e0 AU is paused, not initializing any handlers
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3cc Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Service Main starts
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Using BatchFlushAge = 22778.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Using SamplingValue = 90.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-02 14:03:01+0200 960 3c4 Service received connect notification
2005-05-02 14:03:41+0200 960 b08 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-02 14:03:42+0200 2696 a94 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 2696 a94 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {0DA5CF1F-D8BE-475C-BFFD-57B09D4CE51E} from datastore
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} from datastore
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 WU client succeeded to load 2 persisted
Download Calls
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-02 14:03:47+0200 960 b08 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-02 15:00:00
2005-05-02 14:03:47+0200 960 b08 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-02 14:03:47+0200 960 7ec WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 be8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bec Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf4 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 be8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bec Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf4 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 be8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 5e0 WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 14:04:01+0200 960 b08 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 14:04:01+0200 960 b08 No pending client directive, bailing out
2005-05-02 14:08:50+0200 2696 a94 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-02 14:08:51+0200 2696 a94 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-02 14:16:13+0200 960 3c4 Service received logoff notification
2005-05-02 14:16:13+0200 960 b08 AU received event of 3
2005-05-02 14:16:37+0200 960 b08 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-02 14:16:39+0200 960 a00 AU Restart required
2005-05-02 14:16:39+0200 960 b08 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 14:16:39+0200 960 b08 ISusInternal API
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall succeeds
2005-05-02 14:16:40+0200 3936 f08 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-02 14:16:41+0200 3936 f08 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-02 14:16:41+0200 960 b08 AU is paused, not initializing any handlers
2005-05-02 14:16:41+0200 960 b08 AU Restart required
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 3c4 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
de poder actualizar desde windows update, dandome el mensaje de error
80200010; he probado todo lo que he leido en los foros, he desactivado el
firewall de windows, el del panda, la proteccion automática tambien, y no
tengo ningun problema con mi adaptador de red. A pesar de ello sigo sin poder
actualizar. Posteo las lineas del windows update.log de hoy:
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Service Main starts
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Using BatchFlushAge = 22778.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Using SamplingValue = 90.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-02 13:55:29+0200 968 3e0 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-02 13:55:47+0200 968 3cc Service received logon notification
2005-05-02 13:55:47+0200 968 3cc Service received connect notification
2005-05-02 13:56:00+0200 968 5cc Successfully opened event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for reading.
2005-05-02 13:56:01+0200 3204 c88 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 3204 c88 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc URL for server is
2005-05-02 13:56:02+0200 968 5cc Trying to upload 8 events using cached
2005-05-02 13:56:04+0200 968 5cc DetectCompressionType returning type 0,
2005-05-02 13:56:04+0200 968 5cc Successfully uploaded 8 events.
2005-05-02 13:56:04+0200 968 5cc Deleted event cache file at
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {0DA5CF1F-D8BE-475C-BFFD-57B09D4CE51E} from datastore
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} from datastore
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 WU client succeeded to load 2 persisted
Download Calls
2005-05-02 13:56:14+0200 968 3e0 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-02 11:56:20
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-02 15:00:00
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 3e0 WU client succeeds
CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 c4c WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 c4c WU client executing call
{B807AFFC-AD51-4ECE-A734-BB228B8C22B5} of type Search Call
2005-05-02 13:56:20+0200 968 c4c Checking for different Redirector at:
2005-05-02 13:56:21+0200 968 c4c Successfully refreshed Redirector cab.
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Loading inf file
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: cdm: Index: 0
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: iuengine: Index: 1
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuapi: Index: 2
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuauclt: Index: 3
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuauclt1: Index: 4
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuaucpl: Index: 5
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuaueng_SelfUpdate: Index: 6
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuaueng1: Index: 7
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wucltui: Index: 8
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wups: Index: 9
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: wuweb_SelfUpdate: Index: 10
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Section name: winhttp: Index: 11
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll is: 5,5,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll:
Target version: 5.5.3790.2182 Required: 5.5.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Required Version for binary
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll is: 5,4,3790,2182
2005-05-02 13:56:23+0200 968 c4c Binary: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll:
Target version: 5.4.3790.2182 Required: 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:24+0200 968 c4c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:24+0200 968 c4c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:27+0200 968 c4c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-02 13:56:29+0200 968 c4c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-02 13:56:30+0200 968 c4c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-02 13:56:34+0200 968 c4c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-02 13:56:34+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 13:56:34+0200 968 3e0 No pending client directive, bailing out
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c PT: Using serverID
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c PT: Using server URL
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Add header for accept-encoding: xpress
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c DetectCompressionType returning type 1,
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{DC269C30-C343-4BBB-AEE5-2B05F1FA1ED4}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{77E365BD-B3C8-DFB0-D66B-59C391A44B38}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{A2D28A3A-34AD-4044-A890-3231305FCF5F}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{FAA4E626-ED18-4ACA-B2B3-D9711543C05F}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{0519DD06-56DA-4804-97BB-E60A8EC36495}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client add update
{0202FD54-00B3-4E37-A5FB-E2A34C294780}.100 to search result
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c WU client found 6 updates and 10
categories in search
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.66304
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Computer Brand = GBT___
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Computer Model = AWRDACPI
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Bios Revision = F4
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Bios Name = Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Bios Release Date = 2003-04-23T00:00:00
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c Locale ID = 3082
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: iuengine.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll = 5.4.3790.2180
2005-05-02 13:56:35+0200 968 c4c ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 c4c WU client finished Searching for update
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc AU Detection callback: 6 updates detected
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc Setting next AU detection timeout to
2005-05-03 05:43:13
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-02 15:00:00
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc WU client calls back to search call
AutomaticUpdates with code Call complete and error 0
2005-05-02 13:56:36+0200 968 5cc WU client completed and deleted call
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 630 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4e0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 5f8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4f0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 630 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4e0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 5f8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4f0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 630 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 4e0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 13:56:38+0200 968 5cc WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 13:56:40+0200 968 490 REPORT EVENT:
{B04FF005-E7F4-4E34-9D6A-D0EBA5DD1B52} 349 2005-05-02
13:56:35+0200 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Software Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2005-05-02 13:56:40+0200 968 490 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{1FDCCE99-7B5C-4386-9C84-8F6CFC1CB12B}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 13:56:40+0200 968 490 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 14:00:36+0200 968 3cc Service received logoff notification
2005-05-02 14:00:36+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 3
2005-05-02 14:00:40+0200 968 3e0 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 43c AU Restart required
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 3e0 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 3e0 ISusInternal API
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall succeeds
2005-05-02 14:00:41+0200 968 3e0 AU is paused, not initializing any handlers
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3cc Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:00:43+0200 968 3e0 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Service Main starts
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Using BatchFlushAge = 22778.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Using SamplingValue = 90.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully loaded event namespace
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully loaded client event namespace
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized local event
logger. Events will be logged at
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Reopened existing event cache file at
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{E96D1546-E427-4685-A729-E731FDB26273}.bin for writing.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2182
successfully initialized
2005-05-02 14:02:56+0200 960 b08 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2005-05-02 14:03:01+0200 960 3c4 Service received connect notification
2005-05-02 14:03:41+0200 960 b08 start delayed initialization of WU client
2005-05-02 14:03:42+0200 2696 a94 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 2696 a94 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {0DA5CF1F-D8BE-475C-BFFD-57B09D4CE51E} from datastore
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 WU client successfully loaded ongoing
download call {B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} from datastore
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 WU client succeeded to load 2 persisted
Download Calls
2005-05-02 14:03:44+0200 960 b08 Client Call Recorder finished delayed
2005-05-02 14:03:47+0200 960 b08 Setting AU scheduled install time to
2005-05-02 15:00:00
2005-05-02 14:03:47+0200 960 b08 AU finished delayed initialization
2005-05-02 14:03:47+0200 960 7ec WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 be8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bec Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf4 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 be8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bec Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf4 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 bf0 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 be8 Error 80200010 occurred while downloading
update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-05-02 14:03:49+0200 960 5e0 WU client calls back to download call
{B2A691E6-F49C-4DCF-B2C5-6AD268CB96CC} with code Call progress and error 0
2005-05-02 14:04:01+0200 960 b08 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 14:04:01+0200 960 b08 No pending client directive, bailing out
2005-05-02 14:08:50+0200 2696 a94 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2005-05-02 14:08:51+0200 2696 a94 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2005-05-02 14:16:13+0200 960 3c4 Service received logoff notification
2005-05-02 14:16:13+0200 960 b08 AU received event of 3
2005-05-02 14:16:37+0200 960 b08 Cleared the proxy cache.
2005-05-02 14:16:39+0200 960 a00 AU Restart required
2005-05-02 14:16:39+0200 960 b08 AU received event of 1
2005-05-02 14:16:39+0200 960 b08 ISusInternal API
CClientCallRecorder::DisconnectCall succeeds
2005-05-02 14:16:40+0200 3936 f08 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2005-05-02 14:16:41+0200 3936 f08 Out of proc datastore is now active
2005-05-02 14:16:41+0200 960 b08 AU is paused, not initializing any handlers
2005-05-02 14:16:41+0200 960 b08 AU Restart required
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 3c4 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 Exiting Service Main
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
2005-05-02 14:16:50+0200 960 b08 DM: SetNotifyInterface failed with
Preguntas similares
- Error 80200010 en windows update
- error 80200010
- Error 80200010
- Error 80200010 windows update
- Error 80200010 con windows update
- Error: 80200010.
- error 80200010
- Error 80200010
- update error 80200010
- Error 80200010 al intentar descargar Windows Update
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