AMD patents Peltier cooler on chip

25/10/2004 - 17:20 por scchummi | Informe spam
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AMD patents Peltier cooler on chip

Interesting RAMifications for 65 nano chips

By INQUIRER staff: jueves 21 octubre 2004, 09:38
AN AMD PATENT approved on October the 5th last has interesting
implications for the system builder future.

US patent number 6,800,933 was filed on the 23rd of April 2001, with the
following abstract: "Various embodiments of a semiconductor-on-insulator
substrate incorporating a Peltier effect heat transfer device and methods
of fabricating the same are provided. In one aspect, a circuit device is
provided that includes an insulating substrate, a semiconductor structure
positioned on the insulating substrate and a Peltier effect heat transfer
device coupled to the insulating substrate to transfer heat between the
semiconductor structure and the insulating substrate."

A source who understands this sort of stuff said that the patent could be
a way of mastering problems associated with 65 nanometre technology.

He said: "It is possible to air cool a TEC (Peltier) powered by a 12V
molex connector with a copper based cooler and high c.f.m. fan to the
degree that CPU temperatures are healthy enough to be considered normal
air cooled temperatures (read 45 - 60 degrees Celsius) and keep the T.E.C.
healthy enough. If a TEC hot side isn't cooled enough the dissimilar ion
effect cannot happen and the so called cold side doesn't become cold

"AMD's possible idea is to mount the TEC into the CPU package and power by
Vcc high-plane and GND to prevent any extra wiring for "back of newspaper"
so-called system builders. Couple this with a PIB cooler that is good
enough to remove the heat from the hotside and they have a cooler running
65 nanometre CPU".

He continued: "When you move froma 0.13 micron CPU at 1.5v to a 0.09
micron CPU at 1.5v you make the MOSFET loading increase by around 44%.
When you go 0.065 micron that is 100% greater than at 0.13 micron at 1.5v
and 38% greater than .09 micron at 1.5v.">

He added: "So great - they have the CPU covered easily, but how does Mr
Motherboard voltage regulation circuit designer tackle this problem in a
cost effective manner ? We are talking in the region of 12 pcs 16v c. 2000
micro farad capacitors of very high quality and 12 pcs 60v half step
mosfets! Wait for mainboard prices to go through the roof with the
introduction of "cheap" processors that will make CPU manufacturers neat
margins as through their stature they retain their "high enough" ASPs. µ

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#1 Anonimo
25/10/2004 - 20:26 | Informe spam

Mostrar la cita
has interweesting
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2001, with thetf
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device and methodsewrtwewetr
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circuit device istfwefrt
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semiconductor srttructurert
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effect heerftat transfer
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heawert between the
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that the patent couwld be
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nanometre techtfwnology.
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powered by a 12Vgwertweg
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c.f.m. fan to thewer
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considered norwermal
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and keep twerhe T.E.C.
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dissimilar ion
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become wecold
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CPU package and power by
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for "back of wernewspaper"
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cooler that is ewrgood
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a coowerler running
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1.5v to a 0.09
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by aroundfwe 44%.rtgwe
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0.13 wemicrwertfweon at 1.5v
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but how does Mrwer
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this problem in awer
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12 pcs 16v c. 20t00
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60v half stepw
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the roof wwertfith the
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manufactfturers neat
Mostrar la cita
enough" ASPs. µ
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