Searching support for alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots

28/09/2003 - 09:50 por Marcel Kuijper | Informe spam

First of all I apologize for the extreme long post here.
I'm a regular poster over at
Only today have I noticed the number of flight-sim newsgroups
available. But one thing WE don't have yet is a binaries news-
group in which we can upload and share our screenshots.
That's what I'm working on right now.
This way we don't have to free space on our own websites
in order to show a few screenshots.

So simpley put: what I'm looking for is support on this plan.
Keep in mind that there is no restriction on type of flightsim,
type of OS or even type of computer. Self-built, MAC, IBM,Atari,
Commodore, Appleit doesn't matter. If you're able to make
screenshots and you want other simmers to see them, then you
can post them in alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots.
Same thing goes for type of flightsim: CFS, MSFS, Pro Pilot
or any other type. I do ask you restrict yourselves to flightsims
and not add trainsims into the list.

You don't have to e-mail me and you don't even have to reply
to this message. What I ask is simple, as this might help us all.
Visit "news.groups" in a couple of days and look for the message
called "RFD: alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots".
[You'll find a copy of that at the bottom of this post]

In "news.groups" carefully read the opinions of others and if you like,
post your own opinion or input. Please try not to flame, as that won't
help anyone. About 21 days later the voting will start. Majority wins.
So I hope you will all vote "yes" in 21 days or at least back me up
on this in case of a second try.

Thanks in advance,
Marcel Kuijper

- sent to: news.announce.newsgroups, news.groups -

unmoderated group alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of a
world-wide unmoderated Usenet newsgroup alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots.
This is not a Call for Votes (CFV); you cannot vote at this time.
Procedural details are below.

Newsgroup line:
alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots Screenshots of various flightsimulators

RATIONALE: alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots

alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots will give flightsimulator enthusiasts
oppertunity to freely post their favourite screenshots and thereby sharing
their visual experiences with other flightsimulator enthusiasts.
It will also make it easier for discussions in,
and other flight simulator newsgroups I might address in the near future,
regarding problems with graphical hardware and settings of said hardware,
to be clarified.
Flight simulator enthusiasts now have to use their own websites to show
their screenshots, but most Internet Service Providers, to my knowledge,
have a maximum space available between 10-25Mb per website.
This does not allow a lot of space for screenshots over 400x300 pixels,
which is why I would like to see a binaries newsgroup dedicated to flight
simulator screenshots. Also smaller screenshots, as mentioned above,
show very little detail. I would therefore recommend a maximum size of
1024x768 pixels.

alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots will not be a discussion newsgroup, nor
will it be a newsgroup where aviation pictures will be posted, as there are
other newsgroups for those purposes.
Although the majority of flight simulator enthusiasts use the same simulator
software, there will be no restrictions in
regarding age of software, type of software and/or brand of software.
There will be no restrictions in alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots
age of hardware, type of hardware and/or brand of hardware.
The name "flightsims" should suffice in describing the variety of the
flight simulators available and might simultaneously explain that there are
many possibilities regarding hardware/software combinations.

CHARTER: alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots

Discussion Topics

alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots is not a discussion newsgroup,
however comments on and/or questions about posted screenshots will
be permitted. Entire threads however will not.
In such a case I will personally request that those posters move their
discussionthread to the appropriate newsgroup.

Posting Guidelines

When posting a screenshot in alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots, a
short but clear description should be available in the "subject box" and
it must be posted in the English language.
Subject: UA B777 take-off roll rw25 at KDEN

It's in no way permitted to post flight simulator add-on software into the
alt.binaries.flightsims.screenshots newsgroup.
Trading of software should be done via e-mail or a link to a URL where
said software is available should be provided.



This is a request for discussion, not a call for votes. In this phase
of the process, any potential problems with the proposed newsgroups
should be raised and resolved. The discussion period will continue
for a minimum of 21 days (starting from when the first RFD for this
proposal is posted to news.announce.newgroups), after which a Call
For Votes (CFV) may be posted by a neutral vote taker if the
discussion warrants it. Please do not attempt to vote until this

All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.

This RFD attempts to comply fully with the Usenet newsgroup creation
guidelines outlined in "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" and
"How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal". Please refer to
these documents (available in news.announce.newgroups) if you have
any questions about the process.


This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups:


Proponent: Marcel Kuijper

Leer las respuestas

#1 The original Russ.
28/09/2003 - 14:58 | Informe spam
As you already know Marcel, I think it's a great idea. And once again I
thank you for going to all this trouble on our behalf.

See ya back in :-)



Marcel Kuijper wrote in message
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