Problemas con Instaladores, sera el Crystal?

01/09/2005 - 19:49 por Fredy C | Informe spam
hola todos:
Tengo un problema al genrar los instaladores, pue cunado
instalo no me deja ver los reportes que estan diseñados
en Crystal Reports.
Me dijeron que agrera unos archivos del merge module, loa
agregue pero ahora me salque encuentra arcivos duplicados.

alguna pagina donde este el procedimiento para hacer
instaladores de visual basic .net con crystal reports
version 10.?


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#1 lolo
14/09/2005 - 10:03 | Informe spam
hola, yo ya lo he solucionado y es muy facil
lo encontre en un foro ingles.
basicamente hay que pasarle el codigo de registro de crystal report en un
fichero mms que añades a la instalacion.
te paso exactamente lo que hay que hacer aunque esta en ingles
pero es muy facil.

The reason you are getting this error is because the machine that you are
trying to run your application on does not contain the drivers Crystal Report
needs to run. Here is your solution:

Finding Out What the Crystal Report Distribution Key is on VS.NET 2003:

1- Open VS.NET 2003
2- Click on Help Menu Option
3- Choose "About Microsoft Development Environment"
4- Look under Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, you will see a 19
character number, which is the Distribution Key Code:

Example: AAA00-BB00000-C0000DD

Producing the Deployment Project:

Open Solution Explorer, right click on the “Solution Name” at the top and
Add a New Project. On the window that appears, move to Setup and Deployment
Projects. Click on Setup Project (not the wizard), put a name for your
deployment project (make a note of the location where the folder that the
deployment project will be created in) and then click OK. A File System
dialog will appear – solution explorer should be displayed on the left of
screen. Within solution explorer – right click over your deployment project
and select Add – Project Output. Another window will appear – select Primary
Output (make sure configuration is showing Active) and click OK. This will
result in the detected dependencies being updated & a primary output icon
appearing in the deployment project. Right click on the deployment project
name again and Add – Merge Modules. Add the following modules.


These were the appropriate modules for my application given that I am using
VS 2003. Yours may be slightly different.

Right click on Crystal_regwiz2003.msm and go to its properties. Enlarge the
MergeModuleProperties tree and enter the product licence key.

Go onto Build – Configuration Manager . Check that the Project & Deployment
Project which appear are set to “Release” and the Build check box for each is
checked. Build the Project. If all is well the build should show no errors.

If this has gone according to plan you should now have (in the folder
specified in the “location” window given when you added your deployment
project) a debug and release folder. The release folder will contain:

- setup (application)
- setup (config file)
- an installer package

The release folder is all that is needed to deploy the application on
another machine.

Note: The original source of this tutorial was

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