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22/10/2006 - 15:55 por ľÂí¿ËÐÇ | Informe spam
President Bush :
Iran president is not write to you .
I go back on behalf of you
You yard are that the dirty swine has heared to the fake morals inner place
the Iran president !
Very apparently a lot of matters of this world were for we to be reckond .
You this dirty swine dog thing .
Coiling me calls energy with president Bush .
You blast it the intelligence possess the problem .
You this dirty swine .
Possesing the capability , you write to me .
You argue with my TV .
You blast it is not the dirty swine , odd
You .
Dog thing intelligence .
Not consider the caudillo that you are some countrys now .
You possess qualification to ask a question with American president Bush
You reckon .
In case whatever area gets rid of country this shell , the range once , you
think that you possess qualification to talk with American president .
Takeing country this rice straw considers that who you were
Through the system .
That the world can not become does not there is not a fly .
That now the U.S. by means of the development possess the leadership front
porch capability in every territory to the various kinds in world .
Embody the government action certainly .
Can how how you invariably not say , and possess a gun in my hand , and I
want to talk with whom , and I reckon ?
Dirty swine .
You possess nuclear energy force just like this in 2005 , the action in 2006
Do you consider your science and technology , culture , education , and wait
that the synthesis is powerful than the U.S. ?
That is powerfuler than the U.S. , and you leave to venerate the
international rule to check Korea and leavees teachings , and allow the
Korea nuclear test .
You blast it whatever for finds the U.S. ?
Dirty swine
You will lead my the father's elder brother world .
Your careerism .
Your their mum dirty swine .
You with the country in my the father's elder brother world that .
You he .
There was nuclear energy force in Korea .
Yet this dirty swine also is to self , and also is to adjust self with alike
of some dirty swines
The American culture is living , and wholly there is the effect in the whole
world .
You blast it you reckon that this is what to invent through there to what
electric network Blog .
Still is not being equal to through the U.S. .
Dirty swine .
Not consider depending on a stone gun wants talking with anyone
You want to develop the nuclear weapon works for in the Middle East , along
with the position in my father's elder brother world .
Yet there be the nuclear weapon in Israel .
You possess , and do not equal to to ask for man that the squares formed by
crossed lines slaughtered all my the father'ss elder brother world
The president of Venezuela is not man at all .
As you are president .
Still fear another president ?
I do not believe in , you blast it to detest to the U.S. is for the book in
that way .
You dog thing .
Your country waits not to be a book .
Not have no idea of what you will work .
Joins in the fun ?
Nevertheless displays the president that you are so-called that country
You this two dirty swines .
You possess the capability development I the person who promotes outer space
action .
Rocket flyes sky-high .
Aircraft flyes sky-high .
Up the moon , Mars goes up .
It seems possesing a lot of countrys of this orientation has moved upward
up one taller internation step .
But also work together .
But you abandon these .
Yet leave by development greatly the inflicting casualties oning quality
arms .
I still considers you will with president Bush outer space investment the
Being living , I think .
The international community has split up into high-quality , elementarily
two planes , and two consciousness setups , but also is germinateing .
This the plane criterion is the outer space , and Mars is probed seizeing
national's total value over 5% .
I think in the wake of the development to lift up 60% as a result of that .
But previous setup plump damage .
For it is very easy .
In case you are such as the U.S. , only is ready to take out the national's
total output value of 60% .
Now they may leave that the moon obtains the resources in that way , the
room , time .
On the Mars also is like this equal being living .
The rather than swine idea of what your Iran president
Yet possess a bit .
Pontiff , to I the information feedback .
He act as a concrete matter .
Talks .
Demonstrate thesis that I proposes coming .
Suffer the opposition what Yi Silan awaited very quickly
However you so hysterical and conversation to president's Bush .
Whether also to be allow me talk .
( I reckon your still not have no idea ofing of low level , and your
operation possibly is bumping luck , for this world is me ) you are
acceping a little .
Dirty swine
First man in the world !
By more than 100 country head tacitlys approve

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#1 Leandro Páez
22/10/2006 - 18:44 | Informe spam
Usualmente no le doy mucha bola a los trolls que publican en foros de idioma
equivocado, pero en este caso me hizo reir mucho

"ľÂí¿ËÐÇ" escribió en el mensaje
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