funciona este codigo si o no (expertos)

19/07/2007 - 20:29 por daniel | Informe spam
Hola a todos
Esto yo creo que es para espertos:
se trata de crear un usuario nuevo en winxp
no se si esto funcionara como se utiliza este codigo si es que funciona.
si no se puede hacer con este codigo como se haria
aqui va el codigo:

'Windows API/Global Declarations for :Cr
' eate/Destroy User on Domain ( Administra
' ting NT)
'Jeff Hong YAN 11/20/96 modified on 4/18
' /97
'This module shows how to create / destr
' oy a user account.
'Modified according to MS KB article Q15
' 9498
'You must have account operator's right
' to run
' for dwPriv
' for dwFlags
Const UF_SCRIPT = &H1
Const UF_LOCKOUT = &H10

Declare Function StrToPtr Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyW" ( _
ByVal Ptr As Long, Source As Byte) As Long
' Add using Level 1 user structure

Declare Function NetUserAdd1 Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias "NetUserAdd" _
(ServerName As Byte, ByVal Level As Long, Buffer As TUser1, lParmError _
As Long) As Long

Declare Function NetUserDel Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As Byte, _
UserName As Byte) As Long

Type TUser1' Level 1
ptrName As Long
ptrPassword As Long
dwPasswordAge As Long
dwPriv As Long
ptrHomeDir As Long
ptrComment As Long
dwFlags As Long
ptrScriptHomeDir As Long
End Type

Declare Function NetAPIBufferFree Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias _
"NetApiBufferFree" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long

Declare Function NetAPIBufferAllocate Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias _
"NetApiBufferAllocate" (ByVal ByteCount As Long, Ptr As Long) As Long

' Name: Create/Destroy User on Domain (
' Administrating NT)
' Description:Create a new user and dest
' roy an existing user on a Windows NT dom
' ain..
When a user is
created, I Set him To be a member of Domain Users While you can specify that
he goes
into Domain User, Domain Guests, Domain Admins
Hong YAN <>
' By: Newsgroup Posting
' Inputs:None
' Returns:None
'Side Effects:None
'code provided by Planet Source Code(tm)
' ( 'as
' is', without warranties as to performanc
' e, fitness, merchantability,and any othe
' r warranty (whether expressed or implied
' ).
'Terms of Agreement:
'By using this source code, you agree to
' the following terms...
' 1) You may use this source code in per
' sonal projects and may compile it into a
' n .exe/.dll/.ocx and distribute it in bi
' nary format freely and with no charge.
' 2) You MAY NOT redistribute this sourc
' e code (for example to a web site) witho
' ut written permission from the original
' author.Failure to do so is a violation o
' f copyright laws.
' 3) You may link to this code from anot
' her website, provided it is not wrapped
' in a frame.
' 4) The author of this code may have re
' tained certain additional copyright righ
' ts.If so, this is indicated in the autho
' r's description.

Function DomainCreateUser( _
ByVal sSName As String, _
ByVal sUName As String, _
ByVal sPWD As String, _
ByVal sHomeDir As String, _
ByVal sComment As String, _
ByVal sScriptFile As String) As Long
'Create a new user to be a member of gro
' up Domain Users
Dim lResult As Long
Dim lParmError As Long
Dim lUNPtr As Long
Dim lPWDPtr As Long
Dim lHomeDirPtr As Long
Dim lCommentPtr As Long
Dim lScriptFilePtr As Long
Dim bSNArray() As Byte
Dim bUNArray() As Byte
Dim bPWDArray() As Byte
Dim bHomeDirArray() As Byte
Dim bCommentArray() As Byte
Dim bScriptFileArray() As Byte
Dim UserStruct As TUser1
' Move to byte arrays
bSNArray = sSName & vbNullChar
bUNArray = sUName & vbNullChar
bPWDArray = sPWD & vbNullChar
bHomeDirArray = sHomeDir & vbNullChar
bCommentArray = sComment & vbNullChar
bScriptFileArray = sScriptFile & vbNullChar
' Allocate buffer space
lResult = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(bUNArray) + 1, lUNPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(bPWDArray) + 1, lPWDPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(bHomeDirArray) + 1, lHomeDirPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(bCommentArray) + 1, lCommentPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(bScriptFileArray) + 1, lScriptFilePtr)
' Copy arrays to the buffer
lResult = StrToPtr(lUNPtr, bUNArray(0))
lResult = StrToPtr(lPWDPtr, bPWDArray(0))
lResult = StrToPtr(lHomeDirPtr, bHomeDirArray(0))
lResult = StrToPtr(lCommentPtr, bCommentArray(0))
lResult = StrToPtr(lScriptFilePtr, bScriptFileArray(0))

With UserStruct
.ptrName = lUNPtr
.ptrPassword = lPWDPtr
.dwPasswordAge = 3
.ptrHomeDir = lHomeDirPtr
.ptrComment = lCommentPtr
.ptrScriptHomeDir = lScriptFilePtr
End With
' Create the new user
lResult = NetUserAdd1(bSNArray(0), 1, UserStruct, lParmError)

DomainCreateUser = lResult

If lResult <> 0 Then
Call NetErrorHandler(lResult, " when creating new user " & sUName)
End If
' Release buffers from memory
lResult = NetAPIBufferFree(lUNPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferFree(lPWDPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferFree(lHomeDirPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferFree(lCommentPtr)
lResult = NetAPIBufferFree(lScriptFilePtr)
End Function

Public Function DomainDestroyUser(ByVal sSName As String, ByVal sUName As
'Destroy an existing user with user id s
' UName
'from current PDC with sSName
Dim lResult As Long
Dim lParmError As Long
Dim bSNArray() As Byte
Dim bUNArray() As Byte
' Move to byte arrays
bSNArray = sSName & vbNullChar
bUNArray = sUName & vbNullChar
lResult = NetUserDel(bSNArray(0), bUNArray(0))

If lResult = 0 Then

DomainDestroyUser = True
Call NetErrorHandler(lResult, "delete user '" & sUName & "' from server '" &
sSName & "'.")

DomainDestroyUser = False
End If
End Function
-fin codigo--

un saludo y muchas gracias

Leer las respuestas

#1 Héctor Miguel
20/07/2007 - 08:03 | Informe spam
hola, daniel !

Mostrar la cita
1) supongo que si el codigo ya esta publicado... *debiera* funcionar -?-

2) si necesitas conocer la informacion *fuente* del codigo obtenido... visita:
How To Call LanMan Services from 32-bit Visual Basic Apps

3) [probablemente] el tipo de experto que necesitas es de los grupos de windows/vb/o similar -?-
o... revisar algunos otros articulos como p.e.:
Randy Birch: habilitar, deshabilitar cuentas de usuario [y temas relacionados]:


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