- Instalador no encuentra ningun .CAB para instalar ...
- Eliminar instalaciónes repetidas de Windows XP
- Como quitar icono de red vieja en "Toda la red"
- problema con impr stylus c45 me dice searching y ...
- instalacion xp en compaq sr1002la
- Error de transferencia de componente
- mis documentos funciona mal
- SOCORRO!!! no tengo sonido en pc
- no puedo hacer nada con el raton ni con el ...

Tengo instalado SP2 y desde hace unas semanas cuando intento actualizar algun
service pack, realiza la descarga y la comprueba pero se queda en instalando
.. y no termina nunca, he probado a desinstalar y volver a instalar y siempre
con el mismo resultado.
He eliminado la carpeta CatRoot2 pero tampoco funciona.
Os paso uno de los log que me genera por si os sirve de ayuda:
=2.687: 2005/02/26 12:49:32.218 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
2.719: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
3.766: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
3.781: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
3.781: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
3.859: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
3.875: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
3.953: Starting AnalyzeComponents
3.953: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
3.953: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
3.953: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
3.953: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
3.953: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
3.953: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
3.953: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
4.109: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
4.281: AnalyzeForBranching used 31 ticks.
4.281: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
4.281: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
4.297: AnalyzePhaseFive used 16 ticks
4.297: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
4.297: AnalyzeComponents used 344 ticks
4.297: Downloading 2 files
4.297: bPatchMode = TRUE
4.297: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 438 ticks
4.297: Num Ticks for invent : 438
4.328: [dumpDownloadTask] Update.exe posting request file to download a
total of 830133 bytes (115201 bytes in patches and 714932 bytes in fallbacks)
4.328: [dumpDownloadTask] Returning 0xf200
4.328: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf200 (more files to download)
4.547: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
4.547: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf200
=0.765: 2005/02/26 12:49:52.718 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.765: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
1.031: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
1.031: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
1.031: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.078: Express: 830,133 bytes were downloaded.
1.297: [PatchFilesFromResponseBlob] returning STATUS_READY_TO_INSTALL
1.344: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.344: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
=0.812: 2005/02/27 05:11:08.796 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.828: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
2.078: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
2.078: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
2.078: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
2.093: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
2.109: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
2.234: Starting AnalyzeComponents
2.234: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
2.234: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
2.234: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
2.234: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
2.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
2.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
2.234: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
2.390: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
2.562: AnalyzeForBranching used 31 ticks.
2.578: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 16 ticks
2.578: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
2.578: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
2.578: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
2.578: AnalyzeComponents used 344 ticks
2.578: Downloading 0 files
2.578: bPatchMode = TRUE
2.593: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 484 ticks
2.625: Num Ticks for invent : 532
2.640: [dumpDownloadTask] We have all necessary files for the package to
2.640: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf201 (ready to install)
2.906: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
2.906: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
=0.781: 2005/02/28 03:12:59.015 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.797: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
17.843: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
17.843: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
17.843: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
17.875: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
17.875: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
17.875: Starting AnalyzeComponents
17.875: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
17.875: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
17.875: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
17.875: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
17.875: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
17.875: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
17.875: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
17.890: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
17.906: AnalyzeForBranching used 16 ticks.
17.906: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
17.906: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
17.953: AnalyzePhaseFive used 47 ticks
17.953: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
17.953: AnalyzeComponents used 78 ticks
17.953: Downloading 2 files
17.953: bPatchMode = TRUE
17.953: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 78 ticks
17.953: Num Ticks for invent : 94
17.984: [dumpDownloadTask] Update.exe posting request file to download a
total of 830133 bytes (115201 bytes in patches and 714932 bytes in fallbacks)
17.984: [dumpDownloadTask] Returning 0xf200
17.984: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf200 (more files to download)
18.218: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
18.218: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf200
=0.796: 2005/02/28 03:14:14.078 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.796: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
0.984: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.984: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.984: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.000: Express: 830,133 bytes were downloaded.
1.203: [PatchFilesFromResponseBlob] returning STATUS_READY_TO_INSTALL
1.234: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.234: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
=2.640: 2005/03/01 03:10:18.453 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update.exe (version
2.640: Failed To Enable SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE
2.656: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: -q /Z
-ER /ParentInfo:7d42616a9235e14c96ecc2bacb0ab61b
3.625: - Old Information In The Registry
3.781: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
3.781: Destination:
3.812: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
3.812: Destination:
3.828: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
3.828: Destination:
3.828: - New Information In The Registry
3.828: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
3.828: Destination:
3.828: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
3.828: Destination:
3.828: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
3.828: Destination:
3.859: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
3.859: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
4.000: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
4.000: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
4.172: Starting AnalyzeComponents
4.172: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
4.172: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
4.172: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
4.234: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 62 ticks
4.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
4.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
4.234: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
4.422: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
4.594: AnalyzeForBranching used 47 ticks.
4.734: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 140 ticks
4.734: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
4.734: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
4.734: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
4.734: AnalyzeComponents used 562 ticks
4.734: Downloading 0 files
4.734: bPatchMode = TRUE
4.734: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 734 ticks
4.734: Num Ticks for invent : 734
6.922: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 16253095936
7.031: AnalyzeDiskUsage: Skipping EstimateDiskUsageForUninstall.
7.031: Drive C: free 15500MB req: 13MB w/uninstall: NOT CALCULATED.
7.031: CabinetBuild complete
7.031: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 2297
7.094: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
7.219: Num Ticks for Backup : 188
7.312: Num Ticks for creating uninst inf : 93
7.312: Registering Uninstall Program for -> KB887472, KB887472 , 0x0
7.312: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
607.469: PFE2: Not avoiding Per File Exceptions.
608.469: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\KB887472.cat with error 0x57
608.687: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update_SP2QFE.inf -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\update_SP2QFE.inf.
608.703: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\spuninst.exe -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\spuninst.exe.
608.703: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\spmsg.dll -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\spmsg.dll.
608.734: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\spcustom.dll -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\spcustom.dll.
608.797: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\KB887472.CAT -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\KB887472.CAT.
608.828: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update.exe -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\update.exe.
608.828: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update.ver -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\update.ver.
608.844: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\updatebr.inf -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\updatebr.inf.
608.859: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\eula.txt -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\eula.txt.
608.875: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\branches.inf -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\branches.inf.
608.937: Archivo copiado: C:\Archivos de programa\messenger\msmsgs.exe
609.156: Archivo copiado: c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\SP2QFE\msmsgs.exe
609.328: Num Ticks for Copying files : 602016
609.390: Num Ticks for Reg update and deleting 0 size files : 62
609.422: - Old Information In The Registry
609.422: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
609.422: Destination:
609.422: - New Information In The Registry
609.422: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
609.422: Destination:
615.484: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is
empty; nothing to do.
615.531: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 1 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart
= 0
=0.875: 2005/03/02 09:37:23.265 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.906: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
1.187: - Old Information In The Registry
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: - New Information In The Registry
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
1.187: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.219: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
1.219: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
1.250: Starting AnalyzeComponents
1.250: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
1.250: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
1.250: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
1.250: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
1.250: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
1.250: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
1.250: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
1.266: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
1.266: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
1.359: AnalyzeForBranching used 93 ticks.
1.375: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 16 ticks
1.375: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
1.375: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
1.375: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
1.375: AnalyzeComponents used 125 ticks
1.375: Downloading 2 files
1.375: bPatchMode = TRUE
1.375: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 156 ticks
1.375: Num Ticks for invent : 156
1.406: [dumpDownloadTask] Update.exe posting request file to download a
total of 830133 bytes (115201 bytes in patches and 714932 bytes in fallbacks)
1.406: [dumpDownloadTask] Returning 0xf200
1.406: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf200 (more files to download)
1.437: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.437: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf200
=0.812: 2005/03/02 09:37:50.125 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.812: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
0.984: - Old Information In The Registry
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: - New Information In The Registry
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.984: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.000: Express: 830,133 bytes were downloaded.
1.234: [PatchFilesFromResponseBlob] returning STATUS_READY_TO_INSTALL
1.297: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.297: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
service pack, realiza la descarga y la comprueba pero se queda en instalando
.. y no termina nunca, he probado a desinstalar y volver a instalar y siempre
con el mismo resultado.
He eliminado la carpeta CatRoot2 pero tampoco funciona.
Os paso uno de los log que me genera por si os sirve de ayuda:
=2.687: 2005/02/26 12:49:32.218 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
2.719: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
3.766: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
3.781: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
3.781: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
3.859: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
3.875: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
3.953: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
3.953: Starting AnalyzeComponents
3.953: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
3.953: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
3.953: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
3.953: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
3.953: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
3.953: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
3.953: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
4.109: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
4.281: AnalyzeForBranching used 31 ticks.
4.281: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
4.281: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
4.297: AnalyzePhaseFive used 16 ticks
4.297: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
4.297: AnalyzeComponents used 344 ticks
4.297: Downloading 2 files
4.297: bPatchMode = TRUE
4.297: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 438 ticks
4.297: Num Ticks for invent : 438
4.328: [dumpDownloadTask] Update.exe posting request file to download a
total of 830133 bytes (115201 bytes in patches and 714932 bytes in fallbacks)
4.328: [dumpDownloadTask] Returning 0xf200
4.328: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf200 (more files to download)
4.547: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
4.547: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf200
=0.765: 2005/02/26 12:49:52.718 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.765: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
1.031: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
1.031: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
1.031: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.078: Express: 830,133 bytes were downloaded.
1.297: [PatchFilesFromResponseBlob] returning STATUS_READY_TO_INSTALL
1.344: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.344: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
=0.812: 2005/02/27 05:11:08.796 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.828: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
2.078: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
2.078: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
2.078: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
2.093: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
2.109: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
2.218: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
2.234: Starting AnalyzeComponents
2.234: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
2.234: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
2.234: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
2.234: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
2.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
2.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
2.234: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
2.390: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
2.562: AnalyzeForBranching used 31 ticks.
2.578: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 16 ticks
2.578: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
2.578: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
2.578: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
2.578: AnalyzeComponents used 344 ticks
2.578: Downloading 0 files
2.578: bPatchMode = TRUE
2.593: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 484 ticks
2.625: Num Ticks for invent : 532
2.640: [dumpDownloadTask] We have all necessary files for the package to
2.640: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf201 (ready to install)
2.906: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
2.906: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
=0.781: 2005/02/28 03:12:59.015 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.797: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
17.843: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
17.843: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
17.843: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
17.875: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
17.875: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
17.875: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
17.875: Starting AnalyzeComponents
17.875: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
17.875: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
17.875: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
17.875: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
17.875: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
17.875: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
17.875: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
17.890: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
17.906: AnalyzeForBranching used 16 ticks.
17.906: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
17.906: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
17.953: AnalyzePhaseFive used 47 ticks
17.953: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
17.953: AnalyzeComponents used 78 ticks
17.953: Downloading 2 files
17.953: bPatchMode = TRUE
17.953: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 78 ticks
17.953: Num Ticks for invent : 94
17.984: [dumpDownloadTask] Update.exe posting request file to download a
total of 830133 bytes (115201 bytes in patches and 714932 bytes in fallbacks)
17.984: [dumpDownloadTask] Returning 0xf200
17.984: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf200 (more files to download)
18.218: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
18.218: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf200
=0.796: 2005/02/28 03:14:14.078 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.796: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
0.984: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.984: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.984: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.000: Express: 830,133 bytes were downloaded.
1.203: [PatchFilesFromResponseBlob] returning STATUS_READY_TO_INSTALL
1.234: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.234: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
=2.640: 2005/03/01 03:10:18.453 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update.exe (version
2.640: Failed To Enable SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE
2.656: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: -q /Z
-ER /ParentInfo:7d42616a9235e14c96ecc2bacb0ab61b
3.625: - Old Information In The Registry
3.781: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
3.781: Destination:
3.812: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
3.812: Destination:
3.828: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
3.828: Destination:
3.828: - New Information In The Registry
3.828: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
3.828: Destination:
3.828: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
3.828: Destination:
3.828: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
3.828: Destination:
3.859: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
3.859: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
4.000: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
4.000: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
4.156: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
4.172: Starting AnalyzeComponents
4.172: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
4.172: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
4.172: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
4.234: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 62 ticks
4.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
4.234: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
4.234: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
4.422: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
4.594: AnalyzeForBranching used 47 ticks.
4.734: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 140 ticks
4.734: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
4.734: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
4.734: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
4.734: AnalyzeComponents used 562 ticks
4.734: Downloading 0 files
4.734: bPatchMode = TRUE
4.734: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 734 ticks
4.734: Num Ticks for invent : 734
6.922: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 16253095936
7.031: AnalyzeDiskUsage: Skipping EstimateDiskUsageForUninstall.
7.031: Drive C: free 15500MB req: 13MB w/uninstall: NOT CALCULATED.
7.031: CabinetBuild complete
7.031: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 2297
7.094: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
7.219: Num Ticks for Backup : 188
7.312: Num Ticks for creating uninst inf : 93
7.312: Registering Uninstall Program for -> KB887472, KB887472 , 0x0
7.312: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
607.469: PFE2: Not avoiding Per File Exceptions.
608.469: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\KB887472.cat with error 0x57
608.687: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update_SP2QFE.inf -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\update_SP2QFE.inf.
608.703: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\spuninst.exe -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\spuninst.exe.
608.703: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\spmsg.dll -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\spmsg.dll.
608.734: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\spcustom.dll -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\spcustom.dll.
608.797: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\KB887472.CAT -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\KB887472.CAT.
608.828: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update.exe -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\update.exe.
608.828: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\update.ver -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\update.ver.
608.844: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\updatebr.inf -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\updatebr.inf.
608.859: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\eula.txt -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\eula.txt.
608.875: ProcessSetupContentSection: PROCESS_SETUP_CONTENT_OP_INSTALL:
c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download\d04494c9bbe53847ecc0defeb707fdd5\update\branches.inf -> c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\update\branches.inf.
608.937: Archivo copiado: C:\Archivos de programa\messenger\msmsgs.exe
609.156: Archivo copiado: c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB887472\SP2QFE\msmsgs.exe
609.328: Num Ticks for Copying files : 602016
609.390: Num Ticks for Reg update and deleting 0 size files : 62
609.422: - Old Information In The Registry
609.422: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
609.422: Destination:
609.422: - New Information In The Registry
609.422: Source:C:\WINDOWS\WEB\Wallpaper\NFSU Dynamic Desktop.exe
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\fonts\OLD816.tmp
609.422: Destination:
609.422: Source:c:\windows\system32\OLD81B.tmp
609.422: Destination:
615.484: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is
empty; nothing to do.
615.531: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 1 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart
= 0
=0.875: 2005/03/02 09:37:23.265 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.906: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
1.187: - Old Information In The Registry
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: - New Information In The Registry
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
1.187: Destination:
1.187: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
1.187: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.219: CreateUninstall = 1,Directory = C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887472$
1.219: LoadFileQueues: SetupGetSourceFileLocation for halmacpi.dll failed:
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp4.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp3.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp2.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\sp1.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\driver.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\fp40ext1.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms4.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\wms41.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ims1.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins.cab does not exist
1.250: ref tag c:\windows\system32\ins1.cab does not exist
1.250: Starting AnalyzeComponents
1.250: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
1.250: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
1.250: OEM file scan used 0 ticks
1.250: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 0 ticks
1.250: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
1.250: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
1.250: FindFirstFile c:\windows\$hf_mig$\*.*
1.266: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
1.266: El programa de instalación de KB887472 ha encontrado un error: El
archivo update.ver no es correcto.
1.359: AnalyzeForBranching used 93 ticks.
1.375: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 16 ticks
1.375: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
1.375: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
1.375: AnalyzePhaseSix used 0 ticks
1.375: AnalyzeComponents used 125 ticks
1.375: Downloading 2 files
1.375: bPatchMode = TRUE
1.375: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 156 ticks
1.375: Num Ticks for invent : 156
1.406: [dumpDownloadTask] Update.exe posting request file to download a
total of 830133 bytes (115201 bytes in patches and 714932 bytes in fallbacks)
1.406: [dumpDownloadTask] Returning 0xf200
1.406: dumpDownloadTask returned 0xf200 (more files to download)
1.437: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.437: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf200
=0.812: 2005/03/02 09:37:50.125 (local)
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\S-1-5-18\381ed47facd7f767b1b4d6a5079d283e\update\update.exe (version
0.812: Service Pack se ha iniciado con la siguiente línea de comando: /si
0.984: - Old Information In The Registry
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: - New Information In The Registry
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst\_000000_.tmp.dll
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$\spuninst
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB887742$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: Source:c:\windows\$hf_mig$
0.984: Destination:
0.984: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.984: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
1.000: Express: 830,133 bytes were downloaded.
1.234: [PatchFilesFromResponseBlob] returning STATUS_READY_TO_INSTALL
1.297: La instalación de KB887472 no ha finalizado.
1.297: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201
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