Error con Microsoft Update

27/07/2008 - 15:55 por Jesús Piñeiro | Informe spam
Por favor me podrían ayudar con un problema que se me presenta luego de haber
instalado Microsoft Update:
Mientras tube Windows Update, las actualizaciones se realizaban, luego de
haber instalado Microsoft Update el equipo baja las actualizaciones más no
las instala.
Anexo el error:
2008-07-27 09:37:05:937 1108 d90 Agent *************
2008-07-27 09:37:05:937 1108 d90 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2008-07-27 09:37:05:937 1108 d90 Agent *********
2008-07-27 09:37:05:937 1108 d90 Agent * Updates to install = 1
2008-07-27 09:37:05:937 2064 e50 COMAPI - Updates to install = 1
2008-07-27 09:37:05:937 2064 e50 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2008-07-27 09:37:05:968 1108 d90 Agent * Title = Actualización para
Windows XP (KB951978)
2008-07-27 09:37:05:968 1108 d90 Agent * UpdateId =
2008-07-27 09:37:05:968 1108 d90 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2008-07-27 09:37:05:968 1108 d90 Agent *
2008-07-27 09:37:18:312 1108 d90 Handler Attempting to create remote handler
process as LAPTOP\Jesàºs Pià±eiro in session 0
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 3028 ccc Misc == Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.381, tz: -0400) 08-07-27 09:37:18:609 3028 ccc Misc = Process:
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 3028 ccc AUClnt FATAL: Error: 0x80004002. wuauclt
handler: failed to spawn COM server
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 1108 d90 Handler FATAL: 0x80004002: ERROR: Remote
update handler container process created (PID: 3028), but exited before
signaling event
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 1108 d90 Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80004002
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 1108 d90 Agent *********
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 1108 d90 Agent ** END ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2008-07-27 09:37:18:609 1108 d90 Agent *************
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 1108 d90 Agent WARNING: WU client failed installing
updates with error 0x80004002
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI - Install call failed
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI - Reboot required = No
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x80240FFF;
Call error code = 0x80004002
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2008-07-27 09:37:18:625 2064 244 COMAPI -
2008-07-27 09:37:19:390 2064 e50 COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr€004002

Gracias anticipadas por la ayuda.
Jesús Piñeiro.

Leer las respuestas

#1 Daniel Martín [MVP Windows]
27/07/2008 - 18:50 | Informe spam
Hola, Jesús:

El extracto que has dejado se parece bastante al de este otro problema que
analicé en su momento:

Aparece el error 0x80080008 al intentar descargar o instalar actualizaciones
desde Windows Update

Aplica el fichero BAT a tu sistema.

Un saludo,
Daniel Martín | |
Microsoft MVP Windows Desktop Experience

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"Jesús Piñeiro" <Jesús Piñ wrote in message
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