Compatibilidad MOSS 2007 y Office 2003

11/04/2008 - 18:08 por Alexander Ivan Batres | Informe spam
Saludos, quisiera saber si tienen informacion como en un cuadro
comparativo de que funciones de MOSS 2007 se pueden utilizar en un
escenario en donde se dispone unicamente de Office 2003?
ejemplo: el servicio Excel Services me doy cuenta que tiene algunas
limitaciones en office 2003, basicamente, lo que quisiera saber es si
todas las funcionalidades que ofrece MOSS 2007 se pueden utilizar si
contamos nada mas con office 2003??

Gracias por su ayuda.

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#1 Elecktrus
11/04/2008 - 20:25 | Informe spam
Hola, Alexander:
Que yo sepa, no existe un documento como el que pides, ya que sería
contraproducente para la venta de Moss (mira que cosas te pierdes por tener
Office 2003...). Sin embargo, lo puedes hacer al reves.
Te incluyo (en ingles) todas las mejoras de Office 2007 relacionadas con
sharepoint. Es decir, todo lo que pone a continuación se puede hacer Officwe
2007 y por tanot, NO se puede hacer con Office 2003). Recuerda que no es
exhaustivo ni oficial...
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Thast is features that Office 2007 client products have that previous
versions of the products didn't provide:

Outlook 2007

· Ability to take SharePoint content offline: document libraries,
contacts, calendars, and tasks.

· Ability to overlay SharePoint calendars with other calendars
(people, resources, etc.) and fully edit the calendar in Outlook, including

· Ability to send an HTML email version of a SharePoint calendar to
anyone, including outside the organization.

· Ability to send InfoPath electronic forms via Outlook as an email.
Results can be stored in SharePoint. Drops-downs can also be fed from

· Ability to have tasks from OneNote, SharePoint, and Project Server
consolidate inside of Outlook.

· Ability to approve tasks/workflows right from Outlook without
having to open SharePoint or the Office content.

· Records management for email messages (assuming Exchange 2007 is
installed) and the ability to integrate those emails with SharePoint’s record
management capabilities.

· RSS reader – all SharePoint content is available via RSS feeds,
Outlook 2007 has an integrated RSS reader.

· From SharePoint, people can now e-mail a link directly to a
document/file. When the user clicks on the link, the document will open in
read mode and a button will appear telling the user they can edit it or check
it out to make changes. This allows sending a link for both read and edit

Word 2007

· Enterprise Content Management

o Ability to complete meta-data in the Information Property Panel.

o Ability to create custom Information Property Panels with business logic
using InfoPath .

o In-client workflows (initiate, complete, etc.).

o Ability to see a document requires workflow actions (approve, sign, etc.).

o Ability to see a document is locked and requires check-out to be modified.

o Ability to see relevant corporate policies right in Office.

o Rich Document signature workflow process.

· Ability to author and publish web content.

· When opening a Word 2007 document from SharePoint 2007…

o ability to see all previous published and draft versions.

o ability to restore back to any previous version.

o ability to perform a graphical comparison between any two versions.

· Ability to create a new Blog posting or Wiki in SharePoint right
from Word.

· Barcodes and meta-data labels when printing content.

Excel 2007

· Publish spreadsheets to Excel Services

o web-based spreadsheet access.

o web-services interface to the spreadsheets.

· Enterprise Content Management

o Ability to complete meta-data in the Information Property Panel.

o Ability to create custom Information Property Panels with business logic
using InfoPath .

o In-client workflows (initiate, complete, etc.).

o Ability to see a document requires workflow actions (approve, sign, etc.).

o Ability to see a document is locked and requires check-out to be modified.

o Ability to see relevant corporate policies right in Office.

o Rich Document signature workflow process.

PowerPoint 2007

· PowerPoint slide libraries.

· Enterprise Content Management

o Ability to complete meta-data in the Information Property Panel.

o Ability to create custom Information Property Panels with business logic
using InfoPath .

o In-client workflows (initiate, complete, etc.).

o Ability to see a document requires workflow actions (approve, sign, etc.).

o Ability to see a document is locked and requires check-out to be modified.

o Ability to see relevant corporate policies right in Office.

o Rich Document signature workflow process.

InfoPath 2007

· Ability to publish forms to SharePoint Forms Services. This
enables the InfoPath forms to be accessed from Internet Explorer, FireFox,
Safari, Netscape, or mobile devices.

· Ability to send InfoPath forms as emails to Outlook 2007 users.
Results can be stored in SharePoint. Drops-downs can also be fed from

Access 2007

· Ability to publish rich reports using formats like PDF/XPS from
SharePoint lists.

· Ability to centralize the data storage to SharePoint lists.

· Ability to take work offline.

Groove 2007

· Ability to synchronize SharePoint document libraries to Groove
Workspaces for secure collaboration whether on-line or offline. This enables
easy collaboration with customers, suppliers, or partners which aren’t part
of your network or don’t have access to your SharePoint servers. Also
enables at least 192 bit encryption of all content in Groove workspaces.

OneNote 2007

· Ability to create shared notebooks hosted/saved on a SharePoint

Project 2007

· Project Web Access is implemented via SharePoint, thus all
features apply – like take document libraries offline in Outlook.

· Project Lite – users can create Project task lists in SharePoint
and then promote them to Project Professional and make them full-blown

· Reporting – Project will provide what we’re calling the “Reporting
Center” which allows for customized Excel and Visio templates which can
automatically populate based on back-end data.

· Workflow – we now can have routing and approval of project- and
resource-related information.

"Alexander Ivan Batres" wrote:

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